I mentioned this a couple of weeks ago, and it's reared it's head again. Couple of weeks ago, I raised a post about my neighbours ignoring the recent 'bird flu ban' and allowing their chickens to roam around freely. I mentioned they were anti-mask and anti-vax as well. Things have gone to a new level now. They're now happily mixing with 4 other families on the street. Parents and kids openly mixing. No social distancing whatsoever and not a mask in sight. I also definitely know they're ignoring advice around unnecessary travel and contact with other people. Essentially they're just carrying on as normal and not taking any precautions whatsoever. So frustrating to watch. They're lovely people and when this is all over, we have to return to normal and get on. But this is just taking the pi$$ now. Should I report, or just keep my distance and let them get on with it?
It’s a difficult one, if they’re going into each others houses and the like I’d be almost tempted to grass on them, if they’re “meeting” outside I don’t see that being such a big issue personally. I don’t like my stance to be fare because it’s not an absolute stance either way and therefore I can be accused of hypocrisy, but I think it is actually a matter of degrees.
Upto you I guess. On the one hand yes they should be sticking to the rules, on the other hand you've no idea how their mental health has suffered from these restrictions The question you probably have to ask is why have they (and I mean the lot of them not just the one person with the chickens) suddenly started to break the rules so much after presumably sticking to them for 10 months? Could they have simply reached breaking point?
It's up to you what you do. The only advice I'd offer, for your own peace and happiness, is don't watch. It's clearly getting you down.
Personally I wouldn't report anyone for anything that was considered acceptable pre Covid and certainly I don't think I would want to live in a world where we are reporting each other for kids playing together, sadly it seems we do now live in that world. Ultimately if you think it's the correct thing to do then do it.
I don't think that's the case. they've not followed the rules from day 1. it's just that other families now seem to have joined in. we're all being asked to make sacrifices, and it feels massively unfair that some are just carrying on as normal. my boy is asking why he's not allowed to play with all the other kids, when everyone else is. it's $hit.
They are selfish & doing absolutely nothing to end this terrible, awful situation we're in. God forbid, any of their friends or family should catch this terrible disease. Could they look anyone in the eye's & tell them they're doing their bit?
I caught covid through no fault of my own and followed the government guidelines. Then i read news reports about mass gatherings and parties by folk who are being blatantly ignorant. Just do what feels right for you. You have to live as neighbours after this pandemic is done.
They need telling get them reported I’m no fan of the lockdown but I’m abiding by it it pi55es me off when I see all these knobs thinking it doesn’t apply to them
I think the birds sound the most concerning. Do they actually know the rules surrounding that do you think?
Thanks all. I think I’ll just keep my distance and try not to get wound up by it. One of these parents is a teacher. Beggars belief really.
Tbh, if they're a teacher they'll probably have been in such close proximity with children that they may well not feel the risk. Probably a case of least said and soonest mended and fingers cross they don't pass it onto anyone vulnerable.
If its an anonymous report then I'd do it. They sound to be clearly breaking the rules and a visit from the authorities might give them the kick up the backside they need.
I just don't like the idea of us starting to "snitch" on each other in this way. I wonder if that, going forward, the "Save Some Lives by Ruining Everyone Else's" strategy won't be seen by all as the ideal strategy for ending pandemics.
John, your command of punctuation, grammar and word smithery is truely warming. And, before you say it. I know you don't give a sh*t.
My initial view was to leave it as I’m concerned that we could become a nation of grown up Hitler Youth. However, if they’ve never followed the guidance/rules from the start of this dreadful virus, I think, Just report the buggers! Give them summat to whine about!