As a massive fan of musical theatre. If you’ve missed it. Watch it, on catch up if it takes your fancy. It reminded me of what I miss most during Covid. ( Barnsley fc aside) Fantastic performances. Special mention to Nicole sherzhinger. ( wow) I’m So looking forward to some of the new stuff and a few I’ve seen before. (Too many to mention) As an aside, what are folks favourites. Mine in no particular order. Apart from probably the first. Blood brothers ( not to be confused with Blues brothers) Once Jamie Kinky boots Les mis. Billy Elliot Sister act Wicked Jersey boys Miss Saigon Book of Mormon Etc Not a fan of many Lloyd Weber’s or the oldies pre 60s type. Oklahoma, Seven brides my fair lady. But each to their own.
I think it would be impossible for me to create a top list without missing out so many that I just forgot about right now. There's very few musicals I dont like really but like you they tend to be the Lloyd Webber type which I've never been struck on.
Had best seats in the house for that one. I Joined a special theatre discounts site and got em at a balcony type price. ( best available risk)
1. Billy Elliot. Obviously the subject matter is close to home but it was absolutely fantastic 2. I saw Michael Ball at Chichester festival theatre in Sweeney Todd before it went to the west end. That was amazing 3. for sheer enjoyment and laughter pythons spamalot
At the risk of being contrary: Music has been a passion my entire life I love ‘theatre’ I can’t describe how much I hate ‘musical theatre’
Saw the lion king in London. Was a good un . But the condensed version in Disney Florida was absolutely mind blowing.
My absolute favourite is a Lloyd Webber - Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat. I must have seen it over 100 times easily. Second favourite - Chicago.
First time we saw it was in the West End with the first cast, I think. Five rows back in the stalls - present for the missus, cost me a second mortgage. Never bettered that one. Just remembered saw Book Of Mormon last year. It's never gonna make a programme like the one tonight, but thought that was absolutely brilliant. Funny as phuck.
I didn't really get the fuss. Maybe it was because our timing was awful and we were caught in an absolute monsoon whilst queuing up for it so I was more distracted by how soaking I was.
I've never been to a west end show but I'd absolutely love to. That or Broadway I'd be happy with either.
Bugger, I've just said I hate Lloyd Webber stuff and you go and mention Joseph which I absolutely love but I think that might just be because of my age and how popular THE song was when I was young.
Used to go loads when we lived in London - if you weren't too fussy about what you saw, you could queue up at that ticket booth in Leicester Square and get half-price tickets. Shows were great, but some of the theatres were in a right state. Not a patch on the Alhambra etc
We started going to see musicals in London for her 40th and have been every year since(except last year). Hands down best one for me was Les Miserable
I’ve done it twice, I reckon the length depends on the amount of folk in the park. The 1st time there were only 2 performances in the day so it lasted around an hr. 2nd time 3 or 4 ( not sure) performances in the day which condensed it to 35 mins, so it was a poor imitation of the first. Agree about the monsoons btw. I’ve Never experienced such changes of weather in a day. And lightning that I thought only occurred in old films.