Barnsley actress Danielle Steer was in the show,as a part of the musical Six. Really enjoyable programme.
the stage versions of :- Sweeney Todd sound of music Dirty dancing the Glenn Millar story Rocky horror show are all superb. We have theatre in Cardiff called the New Theatre , buts its a very old theatre and totally magical. Its age adds to the magic. I love live theatre in fact live anything really. Be glad when we can once again return to the magic.
I saw pretty much every show going for about 5 courtesy of tickets for troops, some better than others! There’s a new purpose built theatre out at Wembley that’s hoping to take away west end shows, I’m not sure but it might be AMG group who put on most of the shows anyway
Miss Saigon is so underrated. Hamilton is absolutely something else. Will definitely be going back to see that post-pandemic. But my absolute favourite was Standing At The Sky's Edge at The Crucible in 2019. Set in a single flat in Park Hill over 3 generations and all based on Richard Hawley music. Full of Yorkshire wit and heartbreaking too. And I'm obsessed with Park Hill flats. There are plans to re stage it post Covid so keep an eye out.
Sorry, but I really can’t, and close to retirement I’m not about to change my mind. seen loads of Shakespeare with top names, other ‘serious’ theatre, comedy and hundreds of music gigs. But musical theatre instantly sends me looking for the off button.
Wasn’t meaning you personally. Just a figure of speech. I like most forms of live entertainment. From Tommy Steel to Whitesnake. ( showing my age. I saw Tommy in 1973/4) Never really looked into plays. Mouse trap put me to sleep. Enjoyed a few comedy type ones.
The West end is a sight in itself. So many theatres. Pubs and other attractions in spitting distance.
Can't wait to go back to the theatre. Just highlights what we are missing right now. I'd agree with your first choice. Blood Brothers was superb. Also loved Kinky Boots much much more than I thought I would. We had gift vouchers for Christmas but were struggling to find anything not booked up all year so chose Kinky Boots as it was pretty much all we could get tickets for. It was just bloody brilliant.
Usually do a West End show and sightseeing each October half term, 2020 being the first we've missed for a while. My daughter has attended Lisa Thornley School of Theatre Dance for 13 years, since she was 3 so really got us into it. Have to say I'm always amazed how good the shows are. Seen the following: Oliver, Wicked, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Cats, Lion King, Aladdin, Matilda, Everybody's Talking about Jamie. Last one we managed to get to was Waitress, played by Lucy Jones. I just didn't get Cats at all, but the choreography was spectacularly good. Lion King probably the favourite, but Matilda and Waitress were right up there. Hoping to see Book of Mormon in Leeds if the tour commences again.
As a massive Cyndi lauper fan.( seen her 4 times) I was intrigued. To see her musical. I can tell her influence in the music and was more than surprised how brilliant it was. Saw the green day ( seen twice big fan) one and it didn’t meet my expectations. But the Sweltering heat in the theatre didn’t help. The rest of the party enjoyed it though.
Even though I find the subject painfully cringing. I’m loving the progressive, sexual diversity of this thread...