The chicken family haven't but what about the others? Your post seemed to suggest that they've only recently started mixing. My point was that there must be a reason why those extra families have suddenly stopped following the rules. Could they be protecting the mental health of their kids who are really struggling? Or could they just be *****? Personally if I was on good terms with the others on the street I'd casually bring it up in conversation and try to get a feel for how they're doing and what could be leading them to ignore the rules all of a sudden but it's really up to you, only you know the circumstances on your street really. Either way, like Jay said I'd try to avoid focusing on them too much as it will only get in your head and make you feel worse and worse.
As someone who's job is on the line the longer this goes on and has seen 4 friends badly affected by Covid i don't care if it looks like snitching its the law at the moment so we can get some sort of normality back. I have been very vocal in my disgust at how they have dealt with the pandemic but I also believe responsibility has to come from the public in reporting people blatantly not following the rules.
After 11 months, there are still people in Britain who believe that the reason there is still a lockdown is because of people not following the rules. I find that remarkable. Notwithstanding any of this I really hope your job gets secured though mate.
Firstly I genuinely hope your job turns out ok. Secondly it's just my personal view, I'm not reporting people for trying to make the best of their lives at the moment, legal or not. I admit I would take a different view to a large party or the like. I just take the view I don't know what's actually happening in other peoples lives so I wouldn't want to go around reporting them.
The mayor of LA introduced a ‘bounty’ to encourage people to report on each other. My personally thoughts on that are that it’s a very downward spiral for communities, right now and moving forward. Is that what we want to become? I’ve stuck to the rules religiously, despite thinking their impact is more than questionable and the data twisted to fit the rules rather than the other way round. However, considering how questionable everything is I’d hate to be ‘snitching’ on people for anything in smallish groups that stays outdoors. Large gatherings indoors might be different, but not this example.
I haven't reported anyone but I was very, very tempted last April/May. The woman across the road from me had visitors all the time. Her parents drove through every single day, her boyfriend visited at least 4 times a week, a few friends visited from time to time, she was having her house redecorated so she had loads of different tradespeople around in and out of the house for 2-3 week. She was really pissing me off.
I believe it contributes to it yes... Why would it not? 3 or 4 families mixing and then all mixing with others at work at the shop or wherever they go soon adds up.
If they have nothing to hide or aren't doing anything wrong surely the person who makes a visit will be informed of that and no further action will be taken? My sister had them hound last week because the takeaway delivery driver said she ordered to many pizzas for the size if her family. The police came round and she explained she runs a hotel that has been forced to shut but she has been helping the local council out housing people while the rooms a free and that's why she ordered extra which they accepted and apologised for bothering her.
I had a rambo knife. End screwed off and had a compass. Also inside was a needle and thread and other items. Always handy to have in case i decided to jumped off steep cliff drops in to trees whilst evading authorities and needed to sew up my arm.
I'm bored. Anyone who doesnt like their neighbour DM their address I'l grass em up. Police have got **** all to do, you know with the burglaries, smack heads causing ******* havoc up the back streets, the parks covered in drug paraphernalia and so forth.
What I ment was I don't feel it's my place to judge why others may breaking the current guidelines. I don't want to go around reporting people for the crime of human contact. Also I wouldn't be ordering from that takeaway again. I find it horrific that people are now blaming each other for the spread of a virus. If we apply this thinking retrospectively then it's a fair assumption we've all killed before.
I remember watching World at War with my dad. The Laurence Olivier narrated documentary. And lots of similar documentaries in the 70s and early 80s about WWII and the aftermath. There were some things I just couldn't understand. I couldn't understand why the Jewish community didn't work together to fight. I couldn't understand why regular German people did the things they did. I couldn't understand why the people in countries taken over by communist Russia didn't work together to get out. I was young and my dad tried to explain to me that they did, and occasionally were successful, but they were constantly hampered by the people in their own community telling the authorities if they rebelled in any way. I couldn't grasp that. That you'd tell on your family or your friends or your neighbours. It just fc*ked with my head. That's the best way I can describe it. Yet here we are.
Its people who dont wear masks Its people who have parties. Its people who let their kids play out Its people.... Yet we never discuss the elephant in the room.