Do we reckon he might start Thursday? Bit of a wildcard? First signing in a while tht i find quite exciting having seen his clips. Looking forward to the game a lot. If he does well ive got a great little song for him! Fingers crossed cos its an earworm! Hope he doesnt have a mare now but would be some debut to batter em. I remember the build up to the chelsea game last time and we had a thread about who is going to be the hero this game and the energy that got behind odejayi with everyone saying they felt his time had come to do well after not scoring for so long was immense. It felt like he was bound to score and he battered Terry so much, Terry gave him his shirt and Odejayi wrote his name in the history books. Lets not bring up the semi final tho. Let all send those positive vibes to Dike to go and batter them this time
I would play him from the first whistle actually. Chelsea wont know what to expect and rather than bring him on late if we're chasing a losing game he will potentially have more impact. We can always take him off if he gets knackered. Just my view. Play him early and see if he can ruffle some feathers
A very weird, dream debut is written in the stars. But I think it will be off the bench. I just hope that Friday morning’s headline writers are aware that it’s Di-kee, & not one of those things you shove your finger in when it’s leaking. The other interpretation doesn’t bear thinking about, tho’ I’m sure the Sun will come up with summat..
"and the ball sailed vertically from dee-fence to dee-kay who sent the Chelsea dee-fenders flying like ten pin skittles before firing like a Texas sharp-shooting lunatic into the bottom corner. Awesome Soccer!"
Daryl's assignment is to avoid an offensive shut-out, as he bursts into the 18 and gets some shots on frame to get us into the next round of the tournament. Then we'll hope our next game will be played at Grove Street
"Styles with the apex restart across the offensive line. Dee-kay.... HEADSTRIKE!!! And Barnsley lead zero to one!"
I hope Val was watching the Luton game and making notes. I have to say I felt Struber was a bit overawed when we played them last time but given Val's been in the Premier league he should take it more in his stride hopefully. As to Dike, I'm not sure it's the right game for his debut but my daydreams are a Mowatt screamer and some acrobatic goalkeeping from either Collins or Walton.
A Mowatt Screamer? Sounds like an ice cream from Blackpool promenade. Cant see it myself. He's no Redfearn is he? I may be proved wrong of course
Mowatt's scored some long range "screamers" against Watford and Millwall this season. His goals against Preston and Rotherham were classy strikes from outside the box as well
He doesn't score 'screamers'. He just doesn't. The best shot was against Millwall imo. Caught it well. That apart his shooting flatters to deceive. As I said above he's no Redfearn. I've made my mind up just as others have made their mind up. If he scores 3 against Chelsea I'll be jumping up and down but it won't change my overall opinion. He is not a good shooter.
You're right - Mowatt isn't in the same class as Redfearn in the shooting department, but he's got it in his locker and he can only improve imho. Redfearn was older than Mowatt is now, when he joined us from Oldham and nearly 33 when he played in the Prem, so Mowatt can only improve
He could possibly improve but I've watched him long enough now and I don't think he will. He's reached his peak now imo and we will not improve if he is our best player. He's a good lad but lacks quality all round I think. Anyway I've done this to bits before so I'll wish you all the best and I'll say no more. Regards
If memory serves, it was Stan who gave Terry and Carvalho a battering. Odejayi gets credit and is remembered more because of the goal.
Chelsea play out from the back & our press is our best weapon therefore I think he will go with Friezer , Woodrow & Chaplin to start as they are used to this method, having not witnessed us playing live yet Deekay will probably be on the bench to start , at least watching for an hour he will be more tuned in , just my thoughts.
Mowatt's shots are placed curly efforts. He doesn't fire off rockets. The screamers were back in his Leeds days when he was running onto it nearer the goal.
You don't sign someone like him to your Soccer roster if you aren't wanting him to get in the end zone from the first period.