I think with Hancock mentioning it could last until Autumn and Northern Ireland saying what's in the link, it is going to be a long 2021.
Really sorry hear that. To have one family member in hospital is horrible, two have two is twice as horrible, but to have two in different hospitals and having to try to communicate with both must be absolutely horrendous. I hope your mum gets in the mend soon and that things start to pick up for your brother too
My ex wife was a casualty and then operating theatre nurse/sister for many years and I remember she told me that colleagues always considered that pneumonia for the very elderly was generally known as "old men's friend". In other words it was a gentle, pain-free death. You catch it, you slip away. Sir Tom did well to get to 100. He hadn't many more days ahead of him, wherever he got sick.
I know it was put a bit crudely but he has a point hasn't he? The sentence for raping a 10 year old child starts at just 6 years imprisonment. Matt Hancock is proclaiming 10 year prison sentences for lying about which countries you have visited recently. When you look at it like that it's a disgrace really. We can all see which of the two crimes is worst and which should have the longer sentence. However what I'd say is that for me it doesn't necessarily show that the sentence for lying is too high (anyone who lies to enter the country is an absolute bell end and I've no sympathy for them), what it shows to me is that our sentences for the other offence which I mention is simply not hard enough but that's a completely different issue and debate. I short TM is right in his point but that it shows problems in other areas not this.
Ah sorry to hear that Winnie mate. Positive thoughts and all that do nowt but if you want to talk ***** over a few beers on zoom or owt let me know.
No; it’s a false equivalence. More than crude its infantile. And there’s next to no chance that anyone is getting 10 years for pretending to have come in from a different country. The judicial system is in a mess. if you are arrested at Heathrow tomorrow, it’ll take 12 months before you’re formally charged, and another 3 years before you reach court, with a spotless record and no harm having been done to anyone, how much jail time do you think a judge is going to give you when the prisons are already overcrowded.
I'm finding it very difficult to understand why this keeps happening. I can understand why it happens now and again, no one is perfect, no institution is perfect, but the number of people I've heard about who have contracted Covid-19 in hospital is much higher than the number of people I know who have contracted it elsewhere. I don't mean I've heard from a friend of a friend, or read about it somewhere, I mean people who I know personally, like yourself, have recounted to me the story of a loved one who has contracted Covid-19 in hospital. Either I'm a statistical anomaly, odd in that I know so many people with family/a partner who have caught it this way, or it's happening a lot. Surely, it shouldn't be happening a lot. Surely a hospital is a place where patients and staff can be tested and those with Covid-19 can be separated from those without. Again, I'll stress that I know whatever measures that can be put in place won't be perfect, but this seems a long way from perfect to me. It seems like we're doing something wrong. Hope you're all OK mate.
Hospitals are a breeding ground for covid. Far too many people are catching it there either because they work in one or they go in with one condition and pick up covid as well.
A grown up start to thread might have been that the government announcement is the same old gaslighting. Tories always talk about tougher sentencing, about being the party of law and order. The reality is that they reduce police numbers, which reduces detection rates, then they close prisons and courts ‘to save money’. And to cap it all - they create a society where more people are left without, driving crime rates up. but you know... let’s pretend that the real issue is that they prefer paedos to people who risk spreading Covid. [/rant]
If you hadn’t been quite so anxious to jump all over my response because of your bizarre fixation with me or to claim some sort of weird moral high ground, you might have realised you actually agree with the main crux of my point, which was that the proposed penalty is so ludicrously draconian as to render it impossible to actually enforce. Instead you just decided to name call and then make the same point later on.
1: I’m not fixated 2: Your grown up response was to mention paedos. But y’know; it’s fine to pretend you’re an adult sometimes
I just looked it up in actuarial tables, if you're 100 you're expected to live another 2.12 years. Doesn't add owt to the debate like, but an interesting nugget.
covid pneumonia doesn’t seem very gentle having witnessed 2 family members get very ill and then due from it. Seems a truly horrendous way to go.