Every now and again we get the old chestnut of "Your best 11"! As to be expected the line ups are very different, probably the main factor being the age of the person compiling their 11. If somebody actually corrolated the teams chosen I imagine there would only be a smallish pool of "legends" perhaps only 20/30 that get chosen to make up these 11's. I was wondering who is your favourite player is, outside this small squad of legends, who never makes it into any "Best 11". Mine would be Paddy Greenwood - great defender made 111 appearences mainly Center Half, Left back and a few in midfield 1971-74.
Patrick Schmidt if the system suited he'd have been a hit. Stevie Mallan had a wicked left foot but we never saw it. As for legends. I'd have Fjortoft up there. I thought we could have been promoted had he been used in the 98/99 season. Another player that didn't get a decent crack was Hristov then a few seasons later Gorre.
What a great question to ask mate! Mine would have to be Trevor Aylott. Brilliant player for us in the 80s, scored some great and important goals for us, but sadly can't get into my Top XI team, due to the exploits of Ward, Hendrie and Hignett
Nicky Eaden never gets in but I always thought he was a 7/8 out of 10 week in week out and very consistent.
He was the first player I remember rattling em' in at regular intervals along with Redfearn and Rammell. Gerry Taggart too.
Gerry Taggart Stuart Gray David Currie Bobby Hassell John Beresford Stuart Barrowclough Mal Shotton Steve Davis
My favourite player who I never saw - George Utley. He played close to 200 games for us, played in two FA Cup finals (1910 and 1912) and remains the only player to get an England cap whilst a Reds player, AND he was an Elsecar lad like my good self.
Ray McHale...used to get dogs abuse, but without him Glav and Banger wouldn't have thrived. Honourable mention to Mark Lester for similar reason.