I can't keep it to one - so many favourites over the years! Winnie Les Lea Mick Butler Gerry Taggart David Currie Steve Cooper Trevor Aylott Jovo Currently Alex Mowatt
I used to love Ferenczi. I also seemed to like Colace more than most it seemed. His late runs into the box nabbed a few goals.
Plus given the match tomorrow, let's not forget Gwyn Thomas who got crocked in that 4 - 0 win against Chelsea in the FA Cup in 1989.
Lee Butler. Decent keeper who had a great rapport with the fans. The only thing that made him leaving palatable was the emergence of a young David Watson.
I always remember him getting lobbed a bit and screaming at the defenders as they trudged away. Some of his dives in lost causes were comic. He was very acrobatic.
We’ve definitely had ‘better’ keepers, but his banter with the fans behind the goals was great. I always seem to remember him being one of the first players to find and acknowledge the supporters when the teams came out to warm up when we played away.