There was an interview online with an American doctor a while ago - I *think* from Tennessee or a similar state - where he stated that even with Covid patients in isolation in negative pressure rooms, with UV filtration on any air leaving the room they were still detecting viral particles in other rooms down the corridor. Given that hospital patients are generally more vulnerable and less mobile than regular people it probably needs much less virus for infection to take hold - and by the time one person is identified as being positive they've already passed it on.
Staff aren't routinely tested. Just told to self isolate if they have symptoms. If you ring in with a cough and test negative for Covid. You get start the disciplinary process. There might be some correlation between this and the number of people catching it in Hospital going up. Also staff aren't allowed to have their tracking app switched on whilst at work as we're dealing with hundreds of patients. You couldn't make it up.
I see Lord Sumption has made exactly the same point to me. Looks like Supreme Court judges are similarly infantile eh?
You’ve mis-read my post. I’m talking about a time 15 to 20 years ago when COVID was virtually unheard of. I’m talking about men, and women, in their 80s and older falling ill, going into hospital and their illness developing into pneumonia. They received totally dedicated care to the end before gently slipping away. I was certainly NOT suggesting that dying from this virus was a “gentle” way to go.
Why am I not surprised you and he came to the same conclusion? One of you is a famous gobsh ite with outspoken views against lockdowns The other one; not famous
Front line patient facing staff are entitled to two tests a week. In Yorkshire & The Northeast for the first 7 days of feb an average of 12% of Covid admissions have come from internal referrals. Independent trusts/CCGS this has been up to 40% at times.
Oh, no. Saying sorry, wishing you & your family well seems so trite. But it's all my family can do. Such a lovely family suffering so much.
Thanks mate, we all feel a bit numb at the moment. My Mums in bits but with any luck the Vaccine she had 2 weeks ago will offer at least a modicum of help. Mark is stable currently and his O2 levels have come back up and he's talking to the other people on the ward. We just can't get to speak to him because he can't turn his phone or charge it up. Thanks for everyones thoughts, it means a lot.
Sounds bad does that. My auntie is house bound with MS. The other week one of the carers was clumsy with her and since then she's been in pain with her ankle with swelling. She probably should have at least gone to the hospital to get it looked at but there is no way anyone would get her to change her mind to stay at home when covid is so rife in hospitals and she's elderly on top of her health issue.
Sorry to hear this TN. Hope you all come through this bad period. Still thinking about you and your family
Yes, my wife has the home testing kit and does it twice a week praying she has to take 2 weeks off, no such luck so far for her!! She spent 20 years working with children, her immune system is bomb proof, so she's got no chance. Apparently the flow kits only catch 30% of positive cases, not sure if that's true or just "twitter true"?
quarantine update: Grant Shapps has been on the wireless and to quote “People shouldn’t be booking holidays right now – not domestically or internationally,”
Ah yes, Grant Shapps, another giant of this government, a man who tried to pose as a LibDem supporter with a fake account to undermine their election campaign on YouTube, only to have forgotten to logout of his own account when posing as said sock puppet. Another fine example of the type of people running the show now.
Also, what a great way to destroy an entire industry, domestic and internationally. Everyone cheering this on had better not have any plans to fly in the next 5-10 years because there'll be no one to take you there at this rate, and those that can will be hideously expensive.
And they're not planning a vaccine passport, just an international system to check whether people have or haven't had a vaccine. But it's not a vaccine passport
To be fair, we will probably be forced into a vaccine passport by *other countries*. If the EU decide they want one for all visitors, then we'll have to get one to go there. Same with anywhere else. In fact, we could be put in a position where our doctors are charging us a fair whack to issue one. It would also need to be difficult to fake.