The comment about Man City being a ‘nothing club with a big name’ prior to investment Is there some Qanon **** going on in Wigan. They believe any old ****.
Its weird this. I might have missed something, but I genuinely can't remember any ill will towards them until their 14 fans started having a pop at us for daring to celebrate stopping up with a last minute winner in the final game - then were surprised when some of us took a dim view.
Very foolish, these vocal Wigan fans. They were being criminally mismanaged. Then, they had the further misfortune to end up with the administrators that they did. Alarm bells should have been ringing the moment they paid a huge wad of cash to appeal last summer when they had absolutely no leg to stand on. And it was quite sad to read (and sometimes watch, via videos on social media) the views and reactions of these fans who just couldn't accept the truths of the situation. And because Barnsley were the team to benefit from their club's mistakes, they have continued this bizarre hatred for the Reds. They're obviously still not coming to terms with things. It's a little like when you find out someone has done you harm, or perhaps your partner has cheated. That anger, that refusal to see the obvious, lashing out etc. It's sad really. And that's why I don't feel anything negative towards them as a fanbase or indeed the club. It's a proper northern club that has a small hardcore support who were fortunate some years ago that a local businessman could bankroll their climb to levels they could never even aspire to reach otherwise. As soon as he and his family realised they'd hit their ceiling, and weren't willing to continue spending, he called it a day. But what a ride they had. Unfortunately, in this game, you never know what kind of owners you'll end up with and it seems they were very unlucky with the last lot. But strip away the cash and as I say, they're just another bare a*** in the shower. Barnsley FC can take its share of stick for many things I suppose, if you're looking for something. But spending beyond our means isn't one of them. But twice now in the last 10 years we've profited from clubs who struggle to play by the financial rules that all clubs sign up to ahead of each season. Good luck to Wigan. Particularly fans of the club. Because even the shouty, anti-Barnsley brigade know deep down, they ****** up.
Tbf, if you read the comments a lot do accept what happened. And who your owner(s) is/are is a lottery. I 'll be honest, I'm a little envious of Rotherham a passionate local owner, a manager that is performing above expectations and that has stuck with the club and who the club has backed. I
Just a thought but if the EFL had had the balls to punish Administration with Relegation when they first wrote the rule would Wigan have gone down that route rather than take the points hit and gamble on getting enough to get out of it that way or by appeal as they tried to do?
I quite like having "friendly-ish" rivalries with other fans. Hopefully Wigan will sort themselves out financially and we'll come up against them in the Championship/League 1 at some point and any genuine animosity will be diluted, over time.
This is the crackers thing about it, had Charlton stayed up instead of us at their expense, then it would be the Charlton fans getting pelters and they wouldn't even be glancing in our direction. Totally irrational.
Nowt against Millers, they do the best they can given their gates and budget, similar to how we do business. Wouldn’t say I envied them though, they’ve a bigger job on their hands to stay at this level than we have.
That is why I put "a little". Swindon Town were playing lovely football last season, got promoted and now have lost their manager and had to sell their star striker, in the relegation zone and struggling financially. Football is a fickle business.
I don’t think they will go back to the way they’ve been funded since the whelan days. I think they’ll bottom out with a bigger fanbase than the 2000 they had when he bought them, and will be run differently. Even one of their own fans said they’d gone back to their natural level - not many clamoured to agree mind. The older fans seem to know the score, but I don’t think many post on the forums.
Just wait until the Wednesday chickens come home to roost. When it transpires they should have gone down last year Wigan can turn their ire on that lot instead. Until then fingers crossed that they go bust. And the rugby club too.
This is where we have been quite successful as a football club. Almost 80 yrs at this level isn’t to be sniffed at, and also keeping a healthy fanbase that’s never dipped down below the pre premier league season. Swindon are another club that were with us the season we went up to the prem, along with Oxford, Grimsby, Oldham and Bradford - 4 of those were even in the top flight for a short while. We compare favourably with all these clubs. A good solid club that sometimes runs at a loss due to circumstance rather than losing money as part of its business plan.
The not-quite-Manc, not-quite-Scouse, always-in-the-shadow-of-a-minority-sport-mainly-played-in-Australia, pie-sh&gging, legal experts were adamant that a just punishment for their financial doping was to relegate us. In fact, the Wegin QCs were not only adamant it was fair, but that they would definitely win. Bless them - scrawling their meticulously-researched legal arguments in crayon, all for nothing. Anyone bought them yet? Thought not. Tick-tock - hope they die soon.
Are you capable of saving my life when they do, because I'm not a reight good swimmer? Haul yourself out of the water, and then give us a hand, mate. Cheers!