We might get that shouting commentator lass. Don’t know her name? The one who orgasms over a goal kick..? I’m all for equal opportunities, but I have to mute the telly when she’s on.
They let women commentary on these days?!? Crikey. They'll let them actually play the game before we know it.
Magners in the fridge. Pizza and Chicken strips. Football on T.V. Barnsley F.C free hit. What's to feel bad about?
If it’s the one who commentated on the last round she used all the players surnames until it came to Callum Hudson-Adoi who for some reason ALWAYS had to have his name in full. For some reason it just annoyed me!
I hope you're all not saying these thing just because shes a woman. Lady. Female. It got me castigated.... and by you lot too.
That may be so but you definitely wouldn't make this comment about a male commentator: Distasteful at best.
Just realised how difficult having a go at commentators/ reporters can be without looking sexist or racist because like I say I find that Sue Smith extremely irritating and Ian Wright also really gets on my tits!! Now I could balance that with Gaby Logan and Kammi who I do like . But you really shouldn't have to cos irritating is irritating in any shape or form
Nobody has a problem with criticism. Just don't use criticism about a woman that you wouldn't use about a man. That's sexism. Stephen Dawson wouldn't say a male commentator sounds "like he has a gob full of dildo" so why use that about a woman?
I don't like Sue Smith because I just think she's false. The Jimmy Tarbuck wink thing and male mannerisms. Talking out of the side of her mouth and doffing an imaginary cap all the time.