For what it's worth I couldn't abide John Motson. His inane little giggles at his own pathetic quips, his banality. Annoying in the extreme. How he got away with it for decades I don't know. Each to his own I guess.
I like Alex Scott. She's like a kid at Christmas. You see how happy she is to work alongside legends of the game.
Guy Mowbray is a nice bloke, he compared the Daydream Believers night at the Civic. Had a chat with him, he’s from York and has a soft spot for us
Don’t think so Stephen. Haven’t you heard Scotland fans sing We hate Jimmy Hill, He’s a poof, He’s a poof.
I haven't been this excited about a game for ages. I think being on the main BBC channel gives it more razzmatazz.
she's just really irritating and not very good, just managed to get in early before others became available
The one that David Moyes almost slapped live on TV, Vicky Sparks. Can't abide the woman. I have to turn the sound down whenever she commentates on a game.
Or saying Alvaro Arbeloa (former Liverpool full back) instead of just Arbeloa. Trying say his full name. You end up sounding like Bill and Ben the flower pot men.