I thought Stuart Gray was a sublime player. On one occasion, in front of the West Stand Terrace, he took the ball off an opposition striker after selling him a dummy tackle, unreal. And of course Ray McHale, the best first time passer of a ball I've ever seen, anywhere, any level.
Ray McHale and Matty Appleby. I loved these guys and were unsung heroes in two different teams of the past
Iagree Stuart Gray was absolute class now this will set cat amongst pidgeons Sir Bobby Hassle cant to this day why he was admired average player in plenty of poor squads apart from his loyalty
You're right about Sir Bobby - he was average, rarely if ever man of the match but equally rarely if ever absolute gash. He was Mr Consistency and totally reliable and that's why he was a fan favourite.
Kevin Betsy. Not a world beater by any stretch but got some hammer on this BBS in its previous incarnation.
Van der laan looked a good player until we signed him. Always a trier but very slow -had his own song though so was popular with others. Goldbourne - didn’t reckon much to him either, but he was popular with others
I saw something different to you & tosh. Perhaps he ought to have run around a lot like other players, creating & contributing nothing.
I really liked Steve Lowndes,disliked by fans because he didn't fit their idea of a midfielder. Scored many goals arriving late in the box,a great finisher. His career was ruined in the last game of the season at Portsmouth, 89/90 season. We were being well beaten and Martin Allen came on as a late substitute, his first act was to fly in to Steve out on the wing. A red card act but no punishment, he went off and don't remember him being the same again. Martin Allen was another of those players who people love for their aggressive reputation but have no real ability.
Forget the chopping block, I'll put my head in the guillotine and pull the lever. I liked Tom Kennedy. There, I've said it. I'm still not seeing whatever it is that makes others idolise Alex Mowatt. He's ok, but no more than that. Oh, and I liked Keith Hill too. *pulls lever*
Well the last bit he did in a few matches as I recall. Whilst I can accept that players can't be their best in every game I just can't accept players avoiding the ball. Such a waste of a talent
I'm going to get pelters for this, but I never rated Nicky Eaden. I'll accept he was great going forward and whenever I watch the promotion season video I can see how much of a part he played, but ... but .... He used to drive me insane jogging back for Defensive duties. He was never mobile enough for the Defensive side for me and I fully accept I'll be in a minority on that one. Underrated players - I always thought Mark Robinson didn't get the plaudits he deserved.