From the near side he looked off From the opposite side where they put the graphic on it showed he was onside. The camera angle used in real time gave me the impression he was ahead of the ball. He wasnt. I was wrong. Yet havent found the need to resort to a sexist tirade.
Even if they do, they’ll still say the same **** next time Sian Massey makes an error. Linesmen make errors in every game - there’s markedly more bile for her from our numpty element. Many years ago now, the forum attached to the official site was removed permanently after some numpties took to furthering their criticism of Uriah Rennie - a referee with enough faults that no reference to anything else was even needed - to be horribly racist. Caveman like behaviour 15-20 years ago, and no better now. I hang my head, I really do.
If this was aimed at me, you’re wrong. There have been some sexist comments on here, but questioning why a ref is 12 yards behind play can make a decision like that is absolutely a question I can ask. I would have said the same for any ref doing the same.
As someone else has quite rightly pointed out - she was f\/cking miles behind play so if it was a good call, it’s got jack all to do with her
Tammy Abraham was offside through the entire move, but I've seen far more men get it wrong, gender has nothing to do with it, she should be criticised, quite rightly for being miles behind play.
He was offside on the original ball forward, thus gaining an advantage, therefore, she got it wrong. Couldn't say for sure when he put the ball in the net, he must have been onside because they're in the next round.
When I first saw it, I thought it was offside. However, when shown again, he's onside. It doesn't stop the Impotent Brigade wrongly having a go at Sian Massey, though.