Its extremely non PC. I've laughed. But I have had a few pints so my emotions of that effort are laying havoc with it tbh....
Proper hilarious that. Don’t know how you come up with such great material. You must be an absolute genius.
For all the people slating the lines person for not keeping up, consider this, Abraham can run the 100m in under 12 secs. First off how many linesmen can do this? Secondly actually how many men can. To put further into context the Olympic qualifying time for females is 11.18 secs.
Why didn’t they then...? Are you saying they were just being incompetent? Why can we not slate them because they weren’t up with play. Would you have your knickers in a twist if we were saying the same thing about a bloke?
Before this turns into a self righteous witch hunt at the OP is there any chance it could just be viewed as humour? Not everyone's cup of tea granted, but let's not fall over ourselves in a competition to be the most offended eh?
I laughed too,me bad,our lads were a yard behind and are championship, reckon that puts Massey national league level
Slating them by calling them a bitch and going on about lippy isnt really criticising their performance though is it? Are you really that stupid because you won't let this go for some reason?
And all different people find all different things amusing. Sometimes there isn't underlying menace about them, sometimes there is. I don't have the time or inclination to judge which this is - but I can suddenly forsee much umbridge and arguments for something that probably had nothing close to malice intended.