Her Chien Lee commemorative Barnsley F.C Chocolate dildo was melting under the heat from the floodlights.
She got it spot on. Brilliant decision by an excellent official. But **** me, has humour escaped the human race?
But whether there's malice intended or not, people still can be offended. And therefore the person causing such offence should be called up on it. I know people who still think it's ok to call a Chinese takeaway a "chinky". They think it's an endearing term. But my Chinese friends still find it insulting. There's no intended harm in what they say, but it's harmful nonetheless. So perhaps they should just stop saying it.
Good question, there has been many a debate about officials not being able to keep up with speed of the game, nobody has come up with an acceptable answer as yet.
Sorry, but I just don't agree. On that basis you are all beholden to a single Judge and Jury. Why is the one offended person's view automatically deemed more valid than those who are not offended? This has already moved towards exactly where I expected it, and exactly where I don't have the energy to debate. If you are offended by it then fair enough. I choose to see it as a tongue in cheek comment with no harm intended, that is how I'll see it. If you then feel that makes my opinion invalid and see me as sexist then so be it - I won't try and persuade you otherwise.