I do our ironing, and I'm offended by this report (lol I'm not really lol ) I thought we gave more than a good account of ourselves last night. Chelski certainly know they've been in a good game
I prefer to show the Mrs who’s boss in our house.. “I don’t care what you say love, I’m doing the ironing and cleaning or else there will be trouble” yep she knows her place, We played really well mate, on another night we’d have won that
The thing to do is make a codswallap of stuff around the house, so the missus sees it then says "aaaah you're doing it all wrong!". "You do it then!" job sorted, back to watching the footy
These reports are the polar opposite of you in real life, Roy, old mate, where you can talk for England! I love 'em and hope you'll continue to post these masterpieces of literature.
If only I could use that trick. I do all the ironing in our house, and there is nothing worse than having to iron the wife’s RAF uniform shirts at the end of the week with all the added creases that come with them!
I do all the ironing as well as the vacuuming, gardening and diy jobs. I also do more than the fair share of cooking meals