I also took it in that way. I thought it was posted as a pee take of those who had posted sexist comments (similar to Bossman’s post which rightly no one took as sexism) and so I did a wry half smile whilst rolling my eyes. I then read some replies and wondered if it was supposed to be an actual dig at Massey.As the op didn’t come back and say anything I’m not sure either way. At least it had an attempt at humour rather than the post I quoted earlier that just outright said women shouldn’t be allowed to do the job as they are rubbish.
Just for the record Massey is usually one of the better match officials, in my opinion (as Paul Merson would say)!
Never claimed you were being sexist at all ive explained it twice now, other people seem to understand. So I'll draw my own conclusions...
Apologies if I've caused offence by suggesting that the use of a racist term is offensive. I also apologise for calling you dim. On a related note, reading the opening post back I'm hoping that I was wrong and the post was actually a dig at sexists as opposed to a sexist "joke" at Massey's expense. If that's the case then perhaps there was no need for me to bring up an example of how some can use offensive language without intending to offend. As that was the point I thought I made quite clearly. However that point must have been lost on you. Or alternatively, you are taking offence in order to make a point of your own. I'm not quite sure what point that would be though.
Thanks for the veiled apology. I will accept it though, as I can’t keep explaining, why it’s not ok to continuously use racist words over and over again when asked quite politely not to. Even though you were making your point, l there was no need to use such language in here. You could have made your point without having to bring racism into the conversation. Maybe you were just clumsy with your choice of words. Hopefully your intentions were as righteous as you suggest. Hope you have a nice day.
So implying that I criticised the assistants performance like this when I said none of the above. Have a read at your super tolerant posts...
For christ's sake.... i will try one last time. You were saying why cant we criticise the ref even if she is female. My stance is of course we can, however a large amount of other posters on here keep coming out with abusive comments and that isn't being critical is it, it is just sexist referring to her as a bitch and lippy- I was drawing your attention to this in my first post- not saying you were doing it?!?!? Posters including myself were calling them out for doing it. Not you being sexist. Other posters. Hope that clarifies things!!!
I don't think my intentions are even debatable. But I can't be bothered to get tangled up in this again. Have a good day.
I don't think my intentions are even debatable. But I can't be bothered to get tangled up in this again. Have a good day.
Don’t bother mate, there were about 3 or 4 posters like that on this thread. You bundled anyone questioning the position of the assistant as all being sexist. You like to call people idiots, say for Christ sake, etc... You were then not bothered about your mate making racist comments because you weren’t sure if I was offended. The mind boggles on how your moral compass works. Irony is lost on you. So I’m absolutely clear. Thank you.
Im so terribly sorry i said for christ's sake. How terribly naughty of me after explaining things twice already to you. And i dont know anyone on the BBS. No allegiances to anyone. He wasn't making racist remarks, he used it as an example which you took exception to and wouldn't stop going on about, a bit like this now too. I called another poster out for them saying it was acceptable, if you bother to look. Not interacting with you any further.
Kin ell I'm glad I've only just caught up with this thread. I've have had a field day............. Seriously would any blowk on here consider it sexist when as a 'species' we get the 'men can't multi task' thing? This world I live in seems full of people who I genuinely believe love been offended. It does come across to me as its a bit 'fashionable' to take umbridge on behalf of others. Would it have been 'offensive' if had have been a male linesman and instead of an ironing board itd have been a power drill? Would the lasses on here jumped into the male camp to defend sterotyping? Boils my p155.
No need to apologise. So my interactions with your friend. He says racist remark to make his point. I say he shouldn’t use racist word He then says I am using (and again says the word) to make a point.., (see what I did there?) I say please stop using it, politely again And again he uses the term. Now that is why I took exception. You don’t have to make points by using derogatory racist terms. But according to yourself, he’s fine because you’re not sure if i were offended. I don’t need to look at other posts, you replied to mine and I responded. Your first response to me was the one I copied above. Thank you for no more interactions, I look forward to it.
Funny isn’t it - both lines are drawn parallel to the 6 yard box line and in one photo the line is touching Abraham and in one it isn’t , shows it’s as much about perspective and camera position and can’t be proven/disproven exactly by simply drawing a straight line on a photo.
Yeah, which shows why looking at it on the tv or through the eyes of the lines person is so difficult and not accurate, even if you try and draw your own line as it depends on the camera position yours watching from or in terms of the official exactly where they are stood, it turns out Massey got it bang on to a couple of centimetres
This thread most likely was a (crap) joke. It followed some really sexist comments though, genuinely sexist ones, not 'joke' ones. To comment on your male linesman power drill example, I've never seen a male linesman have sexist comments written about him (not jokes but serious comments) but yes, I would defend him if I saw the insults were about him being a man and not just insulting his decisions - just like I defend people of a different race to me, or people with disabilities that I have no experience of, if they are being insulted based on those things.