..thick as 'pigsh*t' as is anyone who condones this sort of behaviour One thing for certain, the Carabinieri and Police in Italy would not have been so ineffectual. When they tell you to do something people tend to comply. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-56039285
Say that when we're still in lockdown over the summer because of dikheads like these, some fkin baton is needed.
These people taking their kids sledging are putting innocent people's lives at risk. I don't realistically think anyone wants anyone beating up but these fools need dealing with in some way. It's inexcusable.
Whether we are in lockdown in the summer has nothing to do with them sledging. It'll be dictated entirely by government/SAGE policy. Remember, there is very little evidence to support the spread of a virus out in the fresh air. Secondly, they are not breaking any laws. Those few hours on that hill will have done their mental health the world of good. But yeah lets baton some kids.
Obviously that is stupid and shouldn't happen, no debate needed there. In a crowded place in a pandemic. If they found a spot nowhere near anyone else and did it safely so they didn't get injured then good on them, I hope they all had a great time. The pictures/video from Newcastle though was just stupidity. Just saying it's kids sledging with no context of the crowds and a pandemic is just daft. It'd be like saying [people were in trouble] '... for just having their curtains open. What a world we now live in', during blackout hours during the war. Obviously people can do what they want with their curtains normally, but not during a war. Obviously it's nice for kids to go sledging normally, but not in a crowded place in a pandemic.
Considering the comment I replied to was specifically talking about the summer then I think me replying about the summer was relevant. You've lost all ability to have a conversation and have instead become such an angry hateful person. It's extremely sad to see