She lost thousands of criminal records, we have the highest covid death rate in the world, worst hit to the economy in 300 years, she will be delighted people are talking about BLM/ statues etc
In my worst nightmare, when people finally see through DePfeffel and the right wing media call for a stronger PM, she somehow gets absolute power.
I though that but she won't ever be popular enough. Everyone hates her. What really scares me and I think is realistic is Gove getting power. Johnson is an incompetent idiot who has typical Tory ideals but doesn't care enough or have any energy to do anything. Patel is pure evil through and through but still totally incompetent. She'd bring out some horrible policies that would all fail and she'd get kicked out. Gove is the scary combination of evil and effective - he'd be another Thatcher.
She stands on the shoulders of millions who have suffered before her and can't understand the debt she owes them for the position she now occupies - which she believes would have come to her due to her own hard work and 'brilliance'. Naive doesn't even begin to describe her. Consequently she has no empathy for those that still struggle to deal with the impact of racism. A truly dreadful woman.
Gove's days have long gone and nobody trusts him so he just can't get the support. The option they'll have is whether to turn away from the ever increasing nationalism and try and veer back to something that looks like more middle of the road conservatism. Or, does nationalism overcome. Nothing I've seen makes me think they'll veer back to what they were after a big election win . I could see it being a final choice of Sunak or Patel. Now that would be scary. Edit... and remember, their party membership is very small and a mix of very old people, but more recently infiltrated by the ukip guard.
My personal opinion (for what it is worth) is Hunt or Javid in a vote between members (Hunt winning the member vote), with Baker as an outside shot (Baker winning). All of the current cabinet are too close and tainted by being part of the Johnson government. The gray suits might shuffle them all sideways and bring in someone that isn't dirtied by association with the Brexit and Covid messes to win the next election. Although, I also have the theory/hope that Brexit+Covid does for the Tories what potatoes did for the Whigs...
I think you're absolutely right in last part of your message. The two main issues at the next election will be how the Tories repsond to the post-covid economic situation and what happens in the EU - if the EU goes from strength to strength and our economy dives the Tories will be in trouble - if the E.U. fails then it'll be a boost for the Tories. But 4 years is a long time...............
Least she is honest and not just doing it because she feels she as to,not many people dare be different from the majority these days,not a fan of the tory party and she seems a very hard tough lady with little empathy
She's everything your parents try to raise you not to be. To be honest, I think she's somewhere between a sociopath and a psychopath.
I'm sorry but there can't only be myself that if we were in the stadium watching game's that would turn my back to the player's when they took the knee before kick off. No politics in football.