My predicted 11 Burns Sibley Lawrence Root Stokes Pope Foakes Ali Woakes Leach Broad Win that toss Joe.
If I went to bed now i'd be lied awake for 2 hours trying to sleep then get up at 4am. No point gunna bed. Just gunna put youtube on and listen to a bit of music. Watching a good documentary on 404 at minute. Exiled about Pakistan getting cricket going again after 2001 disaster with Sri Lanka ( terrorist attack).
I’m awake and with only one eye open managed to fire up the VPN on my phone, then All Four. Jamie Oliver is just finishing his programme and the cricket is on in a few minutes. Hope we win the toss. Am staying in bed for a while. Can someone give me a shout if I nod off again...
I've been suffering with insomnia the last few weeks so I look forward to the cricket. Next door are getting a new kitchen fitted right beside my bedroom so god knows when ill catch any sleep up!
Morning all. I'm bed too cos it's cold! So India win the toss, and there's a crowd in. Be interesting to see what difference that makes.