I've heard a few say its knocked em badly for a while, but at least it takes a hell of a lot of worry away pal.
Also if you're 65 and over and heard nothing yet book both your jabs online... https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coron...rus-vaccination/book-coronavirus-vaccination/
I've just got back from having mine (Oxford) at Priory Campus, very well organised I have to say, thank you and well done to all involved. My German mum-in-law is 87 and still waiting, she's well jealous of our system here. As far as side-effects go, absolutely no pain or discomfort whatsoever. However, I do feel a bit drowsy, although I've been up since 4 watching cricket. I certainly don't feel like I'm about to nod o
My mum and Dad both had it the other day and apart from a slightly sore arm each they said no other side effects for them.
I'm hearing that in Doncaster infections in the target groups already done are dropping significantly and encouragingly.
Jason Leach the Scottish govt doctor saying this morning on the radio that inoculations are going really well but infection rates seem very stubborn to come down.
My partner Anne had the Pfizer jab yesterday at 5:20pm and so far no adverse symptoms at all other than very slight soreness at the jab point on her arm.
People saying that's the reason they won't take it - I had similar last time I had a flu jab * sorry first time
Given the hints in conversations. The average age of this board. Must be very high. I feel like a mere young un at 64.
1) most people getting infected are under 55 and working, until that group are inoculated you’re not going to see an effect of the vaccine on infection rates. The hope is it will reduce the deaths, it won’t reduce even ICU admissions as again average age of ICU patients is around 50. There’s little point in putting over 80s in ICU - intubation is too traumatic. 2) protection is on a sliding scale over time after the jab, on average it takes 14 days for a good immune response, but it starts before then and continues to grow afterwards. There is evidence that in those over 80 it takes 21 days or more for the optimal immune response.
My info has come from a very good source who also told me the bed situation is such that Doncaster Infirmary are now taking patients from Notts and West Yorks to ease the pressure on other areas. Donny is down to less than 150 per 100,000..the lowest since last September.
Noticed your winning Ian. Long time with 10 men. Would I be right in thinking you’ve only 9 league games left, after this one. ?
No really sure mate. We have that daft league split with 5 games to go. As it stands we are back in the top 6.
Just a case of making sure we survive in the big league. Covid has made a mess of everything. The season has been so unreal