Slurred and slow talking as if recovering from a stroke. Looks full of cold. Just generally appears not well.
Me too. He was on some kids programme with that Helen that used to do Blue Peter doing some crafts recently and he was so funny and enthusiastic.
Really uncomfortable viewing. I’m hoping it’s to do with the freezing conditions, but he’s talking like he’s had a skin full. Hope it’s nothing and he’s fine.
Im struggling to see why sky would keep him on air when something is clearly not right. Hope he's ok and its a simple explanation.
Me neither, he just looked frozen to death, wishing he weren't in Huddersfield in -6 temps, but he did have a few big grins during his pieces
I watched him. Think it was a case that he was absolutely shrammed by the freezing conditions. The JS Stadium is a soulless pile of concrete and there literally is no hiding place from the adverse weather conditions. Some of the other presenters at other games had beanie hats, snoods, scarves etc, but Kammy didn't.
Kammy is 63 years of age and is a fit guy but the John Smiths stadium is freezing cold at best of times and he will be in a high vantage point with no protection from an Arctic blast.
For many many weeks now (way before the current cold spell) he has looked and sounded a shadow of his former self. The impression is that he has suffered some health problems or has encountered other "issues". He has always had a clownish, but rather likeable persona. But his recent reports on Soccer Saturday have been suggestive of someone who is struggling. Hope he pulls through whatever is wrong (if anything) because he is a true character. Sometimes forgotten is his place in our history - on the never-to-be-forgotten day when we won to go up to the Premier League Kammy was manager of Bradford. (And Chris Wilder played full back for them).