Seeing as the players are kneeling to promote the No Room For Racism Campaign then you'll not have an issue with it then and not turn your back. Good stuff.
I see your point but I actually think that the forced wearing of poppies by anyone on TV and every athlete has actually caused them to lose their power a little. When I was younger and it was a choice to buy one I couldn't wait to get one each year and do my bit, proudly showing that I supported those who had fought. Now I generally don't bother because it seems a bit meaningless with them becoming just part of the uniform for people in the public eye.
How would you feel if the person next to you at the match turned their back during the minute silence for Remembrance Day? No politics in football.
A lot of people (talking generally and not necessarily including Plug here FAOD) who are against kneeling would be apoplectic about that. There's a substantial crossover between people who consider kneeling a "personal choice" but can't wait to abuse James McClean on twitter for not wearing a poppy. Racists get a proper weird chub on when it comes to the military/war, like the morons who "defended" the Churchill statue while giving nazi salutes with no sense of irony. Maybe they're just envious of being allowed to kill foreigners.
It will look quite odd tomorrow with our players taking the knee and the Brentford players not. I wonder if they have been ordered not to by the Club? Ironically taking the knee is a military gesture first suggested to Colin kaepernick by veteran Nate Boyer . My view on taking the knee ...... I don't see the point , it won't achieve anything long term . A more worthy cause is economic inequality because without economic inequality you won't defeat racial inequality which both go hand in hand .'s_Campaign Martin Luther king was really on to something until his premature death and the powers that be did nt like it one bit . A cause that brought all races together in a common cause , that crossed racial boundaries . Until that happens then we will continue to virtue signal at each other desperately hoping to get one up on who ever we happen to be disagreeing with . Pretty much a carbon copy of modern day politics .
What do you look for on platforms like twitter? Idiots. People full of their own self importance. Minority moron mouthpieces. It's your problem if you want to bring it on here. I would all hope we know what's right and what's wrong.
I read the article for Sky Sports but then made the mistake of clicking on the comments of various knuckle draggers. It was quite enjoyable to play racist bingo - "virtue signal", "marxist" and "woke" were very popular. So it's not really "my problem" - whatever that means.
I'm going to walk up to the Dodworth War Memorial and stand guard to protect it from, well, no one actually. But I'll claim I'm protecting it from BLM, loony lefties and the like to show how patriotic I am. To emphasise this even more, I'll keep doing Nazi salutes with no sense of irony. If we had a plaque to commemorate a murdered policeman, I'd urinate next to it and then claim I'd done it in all innocence. Long Live Trump. Long Live Boris.
Careful Lil - some on here actually "did their bit" and guarded a few statues in town last summer. They'll be recruiting you.
I'll read the names of the fallen of World War II from our village whilst doing my Nazi salutes and tell them "I'm doing it for you, boys". I'm sure their surviving families will be so proud and relieved.
It means that there are lots of weird and not so wonderful people out there. You can find them quite easily if you try. It seems. If you stick to responding to those who post on here, and what they've put, then we can let the rest of the world's fuckwits get on with their idiocy.