Its a bit flawed is the booking site, we have a vaccination centre about 5 minutes drive from our house but its not on the app, so I can either travel or wait for my invitation and stay local
I had my first ever flu jab last November and I had no ill effects at all. Hopefully it will be the same for the COVID jab.
Professor Leach gave out some great news. Alcohol makes no difference whatsoever to the vaccine so celebrating home alone after you get it is acceptable
Astra Zeneca mate. The actual vaccine is a bit viscous and needs a bit of palpating afterwards. But it painless enough. Feeling a bit better now.
I would be on the alcohol all winter your way pal. I went to Canon Hall farm shop earlier and it's usually quickly in so didn't bother with a warm hat, my mistake as the queue was that big you'd think it was summer. It was only minus 3 so far too warm for the likes of you but I am still thawing out
I had mine last Sunday and no sore arm or side effects at all. What I don't understand is the approach to all this. I live a spit away from Priory Campus but had to travel to Wakefield to get mine. No where in Barnsley was on offer. First option Wakey, then Ponte then Sheffield.
It just depends on vaccine availability, it could be that your local one was already booked up for the amount of vaccine they had in the pipeline.
I had the pfizer jab yesterday & touch wood I have had no reaction & I was concerned because I am allergic to penicillin & have only had one flue jab but reacted that bad I ended up ill for a fortnight so I was very concerned , however so far so good & I went on a 14k walk earlier with no after effects so onwards & upwards .
I am currently in the middle of a 28 day february challenge Ian, I am doing it to raise funds for Barnsley Hospice , my challenge is to walk 10 km a day for the month , tomorrow will be my 14th day & I am enjoying it despite the weather throwing everything it can at me ! . I have set it up through Facebook with the help of my Grandson & have targeted £500
had mine on friday at lundwood (pfizer) no problems and as been said very well run well done to all at priory campus
Surely the invites that go out in an area should more or less match the availability for that area. I was told by my clinic that I could have it there but they didn't know when that would be. Even the nurse seemed surprised at the number from Barnsley attending the Wakefield centre.