It's all too easy to just post something that spouts what you want to hear though. We're in the state we are because too many people will just swallow anything that reinforces their prejudices. There's a number of folk on here who hate "leftys" so much that they'd rather align themselves with misogynistic, racist, offensive viewpoints simply because they're in opposition to liberal thinking. Again...liberal...It's something we should all aspire to be and I don't mean liberal as in the party.
The FBI are going to get him anyway. The law will catch up with him. Impeachment was never going to work, irrespective of how cut and dried it is.
They used to be if you go back to before the rise of the Labour party. It was a liberal government introduced state pensions for eg. In 1908.
Haha....the polar opposite of what happened!! His defence team were an absolute joke - amateurish beyond belief. But that's all they needed to be; he'd have been acquitted no matter what.
why did they have the trial then, when they could have been helping pass laws to help covid victims and people who lost their jobs etc ?
So you believe he’s guilty? But you believe the evidence against him is fake. OK, not sure how that works, but you’re entitled to think whatever you like.
think Trump is a disgrace for getting people killed and sent to Jail,also think trial was a disgrace and never going to get him impeached ,all I put was a video of trial up that I googled, was told it is from a bad website so took link down,watched it and thought why have democrats cut loads of videos and made it easy for defence to show them doing that, the whole thing just makes me frustrated that everyday people have their lives run by these people who seem to just lie and cheat on both sides
He was never going to be convicted with the system they have, despite as it turned out t more voted to convict him than any president before. It was more about exposing his faults again . He had better get used to being on the end of prosecutions though because there will be more to come.
I agree people are like that but there are a few, like myself that think liberal thinking isn’t left at all. It’s right wing fiscal policy, with a few progressive social policies thrown in to appease the centre left lot. True left doesn’t exist anymore in the political spectrum. Centre left won the cultural war.
we all know he is a big fat coward ,never fought in any wars, sent people to their death and to ruin their lives, it all seems to have backfired and got him back in limelight, they should just have let him rot in Florida
Perhaps due to. Ring the most powerful person in the world we should give one ! But who gives a Donald Duck ? Bored of a Yank politics and Dallas style ********