I'm sick of seeing it now, we'll be taking the knee soon for everything that seems wrong in life soon. It started with floyd in USA over police shootings, I don't think the uk is a hard place to live in for black people, I don't get any more benifits than a black man, as far as I see it everyone is equal in this country. How long is blm going to last in the uk without it being annoying.
Zaha seems to be saying ( as a black man) I've experienced enough racism, I don't want to be rolled out to answer yet again why it's wrong how it's affected my life etc etc! Time for the rest of us to step up I reckon. Ben Mee was spot on when he gave that interview after the plane incident over Turf Moor. He showed that he and the team wouldn't tolerate racism., that it was more important than the football match. Millwall did the opposite.
Whatc It started before Floyd in America. And maybe you need to open your mind a little to see that in a lot of ways it is a harder place to live in if you're black.
Well Helen we have a couple black army lads that come up to visit our family from Bristol, I've known them all my life therye a right laugh, and in there words it makes feel uncomfortable and a little bit embarrassing for them but they didn't want the fuss. They have a good life and there family does, ones a solicitor. You said it's harder for black people to live in this country but isn't it harder for anyone to live in a different country there not from.
I wasn’t going to bother, as it will fall on deaf ears, but it would be wrong of me to ignore as we don’t move on as a society if everybody turns a blind eye. So, here’s what I said wow to: The fact that you, in one comment, encapsulated everything that is trying to be corrected in regards to the views of some in this country. The fact that you are oblivious to the ingrained prejudices that black, Asian and other persons of non-white ethnic origin face in this and other countries. The fact that you clearly miss the point and are the problem. The fact that as a white man you think you can have a fully informed opinion on it being no different to live here than if you were not. This isn’t solely an American problem (although I really hope the ingrained racism is worse there - I’m not convinced it definitely is though). George Floyd was only one example. Stop and search laws utilised by U.K. police will show a massive difference in terms of the percentage of black and Asian persons they search for drugs/knives compared to the actual percentage of population for those ethnic groups. If you walked down the street, say with a baseball bat and looking shifty, you’d cause suspicion. If you walked down the street, looking at your phone maybe, minding your own business, nobody would bat an eyelid. Nobody. I would like to think the same applied to all ethnicities, but it isn’t the case. A non-white person can’t be confident in parts of this country, actually probably anywhere, that they can walk to the shop, innocently drive their car or do anything in their day to day lives without someone being suspicious. There is conscious and unconscious bias. It is quite obvious if you accept the possibility and actually look. But hey, you get no more ‘benifits’.
Oh good, you know two black people who have good lives. Racism and white privilege definitely doesn’t exist then. They say to you they don’t like the taking a knee gesture. Well if one black person says so they all will agree yeah? And they definitely weren’t saying all that having scoped what your views are on the matter, not wishing to argue and just wanting to avoid the subject with you. I’m sure you were very objective on the subject and didn’t ask a question like ‘what do you think about this bloody stupid taking the knee crap’ or anything like that. Or if you didn’t ask anything like that, they didn’t, having known you ‘all your life’, know exactly what your views would be and tailor their discussion accordingly? They might well genuinely have the views you mention, good for them. There is no way though that they have never met with any form of racism in their lives, and if they are educated professionals there is no way they are unaware that the bias against their race in this country rages strong. Taking a knee might not be the best and most effective way of highlighting it, but whilst there continue to be people such as yourself who can’t even see there is a problem, then it still needs highlighting.
I'm talking about the many black people who don't live in a different country, who were born and raised here. I can understand them not wanting a fuss, but you are telling me they've no experience of racism or just that they've not talked to you about it?
I agree with a lot of your thread but how many seconds are the players taking the knee before kick off and why because of the death of George Floyd. Black lives matter started that.,I had no problem players, staff and public taking a knee during the national anthem.
What a load of b.s but you know better, and you have all the other teacakes liking it. I hope you and rest of the teacakes instead of moaning on here go and actually go and do something about it then, start in London do your preaching but make sure you start in the friendly areas.
No of course you didn’t..... Not that anyone has ever kneeled for the national anthem anyway! You stand up! You had a problem with fair minded people looking out for there fellow man. You aren’t a fan of that are you.
We already do. We call out people like you and try to educate, it seems we might as well not bother. Yours Mr T. Cake.