To a man that was an immense performance...absolutely proud of everyone of them lads out there,..and I’m going to get sooooo pissed tonight no apologies for repeating this... Ref...F**k off. & when you get there, f**k off from there too. Then f**k off some more. Keep f**king off until you get back. Then f**k off again. You did your best to ruin our day but failed miserably Yoooooooo reds
I had a few Kraken's followed by a few glasses of shiraz last night. Swore blind to my good lady I wouldn't drink today. Can I have another drinking pass for today please BBS? Please???
I dont know half of it was a repeat. Though I guess going forwards maybe an abbreviation for the second half of it. just "Ref...F**k off. & etc... " will do for the next time we get a numpty like todays
I intend to adopt the high press as part of my Valentines’ evening manoeuvres. What an excellent game, great application and fantastic to see both Morris and Dike fitting in so well. The referee should be made to watch that game back again to realise just how awful his performance was.