Todays are 9765 Infected with 230 Deaths Does the Vaccine roll out mean come beginning of March we should not be seeing anyone over the age of 75 Dying from Covid if they have had there Jab?
They will still die just like a flu jab doesn't mean you won't die of flu. But they will have a better chance of living and the more of the country who accept the jab, the less covid should be in the community for the older end to avoid. Pfizer one works really well after two doses......
They would have fallen without the vaccine as we come out of the winter virus season. The vaccine is an accelerant to them falling in those age demographics.
OPEN THE PUBS! (Just kidding) Excellent that the downward trend has continued. Read somewhere that Covid casesnhad declined 17% worldwide so hopefully a global trend.
I'd wait til Wednesday/Thursday to see a more accurate figure for mortalities. Monday is historically understated.
9,765 is the lowest reported new cases figure for any Monday since 28/9 (4,044) and is 30.8% down on last weeks equivalent.
And its also completely inaccurate, as it is every Monday. Wednesday and Thursday are much safer for comparative purposes.
Latest seven-day averages: Today: 657 Yesterday: 672 (-2.2%) A week ago: 891 (-26.2%) 23 January peak: 1,248 (-47.4%)
By completely inaccurate do you mean that by Wednesday or Thursday when I look at today's figures on the charts they will have changed from what's on them now? Or inaccurate as in it will always say the number it says now but it will always be wrong?
Isn’t it strange how the lockdown enthusiasts almost don’t seem to want to hear good news. It’s a really odd phenomenon.
You also need to check the date of the mortality. They could in theory announce a 1000 deaths tomorrow which would cause panic however when you look beyond the headlines that 1000 deaths will more than likely cover a period of up to 60 days.
The latter (though there may be some charts that do get edited, but it never gets repeated in the media to highlight they've essentially reported inaccurate data). They don't seem to reinstate figures when up to date information comes through. So you have these wild variations between Sunday and Tuesday where you go from understated to overstated. The figures are obviously heading it the right direction (you'd expect nothing less from a national lockdown and a vaccination programme) but there is no sound basis to do an accurate comparison with statistical robustness in those days. Though it sadly doesn't seem to stop people from trying, and many of those are in government!
You seem to be assuming I have some other meaning to my message other than what I'm saying, which is Mondays mortality figures are always incorrect, so it's not wise to compare an incorrect figure with another incorrect figure.
Not assuming anything about your meaning. Just posting figures and saying the trend is downwards which is good. The reports are as I understand reported deaths not date of death hence the lag on a Monday as you eluded to. So I thought the 7 day average would be better metric. Thought it was encouraging news that's all.
It is what it is. Its still very high to say we've been in lockdown for so long and so many people have built up some form of immunity through prior infection or vaccination.
The death figures are largely irrelevant anyway at this point because surely they are on the whole simply telling us how many unvaccinated vulnerable people caught it a few weeks ago. Or have I got that completely wrong? Hospital admissions is the key current figure
I don't think I can bring myself to consider around 120,000 covid deaths, irrelevant. But I get what you're saying. The number of new cases is still high. It's just that it's come down from a huge spike from Christmas. As are hospitalisations, as are fatalities. Interesting to see, the number in hospital is still higher than from the first peak in April 2020.