Really? Like he's never had to put up with racist abuse before taking the knee? I'd be surprised if he wanted protecting in this way.
players raising a fist whilst 'taking the knee' are likely to get racist abuse from some of the crowd. This would lead to any club being in trouble for their lack of crowd control. My guess is that Brentford F C stopped players 'taking the knee' to 'protect' the club.
The same idiots that would racially abuse him presumably would do the same to our club when they took the knee so how does that stop the club getting in trouble?
Never said I identify as a racist. It’s people on here that have identified my as racist due to the fact I support Brentford’s decision not to take the knee.
Yes and the post also stated that if you are irritated by it because it’s gone on so long your racist. I’m irritated by it due the how long it’s been going on. So in the BBS’ opinion I’m racist and not welcome at any football ground
How terrible that they do something for a few seconds - a fraction of a TV advert - and it causes you such an inconvenience that it makes you sick of it.
To be fair ESL I'm pretty sure it wasnt your intention at all but it really did come across as a bit like this... Someone: as long as the racists are irritated by it it gives them the message they aren't welcome You: I'd best not come anymore then Which really did look like you were saying "well that's me, I'm a racist who's irritated by it so I'll not come anymore" when I'm almost certain you meant "I'm irritated by it which in your opinion means I'm a racist who isn't welcome so I'll not come anymore" Two very different meanings I think
The post said racists are irritated by it (which is a given), not that people who are irritated by it are racists.
I know he's put up with it before, I just got the feeling that after an incident a few weeks ago which I read was directly related to him raising his fist he may have just decided he's had enough. I'm probably completely wrong but the timing of it seems coincidental if not. Either way anyone abusing him is an absolute tool.
Regarding not taking the knee as clubs are doing "other things", I'll be interested to see what these are. Before Christmas Millwall did this - after their wonderful fans booed the knee in a previous game. We were told that the club would tackle racism in other ways - and the game after I'm pretty sure they lined up behind an anti racism banner with whomever they played against. Since then? Zip all I believe. Would love to be corrected though.
Snowflakes. Bit of a giveaway. Clearly though not a racist you fall into the category who hate lefties so much they'd happily align with any unsavoury group or thought process that takes an opposite viewpoint.
It’s a very interesting debate. But then it always was from day one, when Colin did it, during his own national anthem. (& the 68 Olympians, before him.) The power of that statement could never be repeated, only echoed. Brentford were brave going unilateral, but did they consult the players & give them a choice.? I doubt it. Could easily divide a dressing room that. I suspect the Bees are just giddy over their relative ‘success’, this last 2-3 seasons & trying to take the lead on something, best left to a more general consensus. Particularly amongst players these issues directly affect. To object, is to state that black lives don’t actually matter. (Unless they play for Barnsley, was often said..?) Does that make anyone racist? I don’t know. Probably.. My pal Simone says.. (frontline NHS at the Whittington Hospital. 2nd Windrush generation & proper north London Gooner)- ‘Of course all lives matter. But not everyone’s house is on fire..’ think on that...
The part I don't feel comfortable with it feels like those affected chose the way they wished to protect against racism. And their teammates supported that. But now significant numbers of white people are trying to dictate how it should be done. I couldn't care less if it was taking the knee, crossing themselves, tapping their nose. But I think it should be their choice but the racist element has managed to shift the goalposts. Glad Val and the team weren't to be pushed around.
They’ve done exactly this. They’ve taken the path of least resistance. You’ll note anyone, and I include Brentford and Millwall in this who say “we can do other things” never actually say what they are.
I don't know if Millwall are stil doing it but for the game after they stopped they came out holding an anti racism banned, had an anti racism message on the big screen and changed their sponsor to an anti racism slogan. Oh and put a message under each seat begging fans not to boo so the club didn't look bad. The note under the seats didn't say anything about anti racism it just said something like 'everyone wants to hear you boo so they can criticise the club. Don't let them'