Think about what you are implying here rather than just trying to post something to be clever. Are you really saying that you think people want more people to die? Is that honestly your opinion? Not arguing with you about best ways to combat the virus or any of that, just checking if that’s your real opinion on the matter, that you think there are people on here who are upset that less people are dying and want the numbers to be higher.
As far as I'm aware the mortality figures cover a period of 28 days. Those dying in hospital have possibly/probably been in there a reasonable length of time, in some cases many weeks, maybe longer. Some 'new' drugs and other intensive care techniques have kept people alive longer and given them a better chance of recovery compared to the first wave. Hence why hospitals have been so full. I'm sure you don't really mean peoples deaths are irrelevant?
On a general point what I mean when I say the figure is irrelevant (as i've said it before too so thought I should explain) is that the figure itself is rather than that the deaths are if that makes any kind of sense. Knowing a family has lost a loved one, knowing 100 have or 1000 or 100,000 makes little difference to me as the loss for each family isn't any different just because another family elsewhere is also grieving. You wouldn't happen to have the figures for how many are admitted to hospital in the last week or so with covid compared to during the first peak would you? As opposed to the amount in hospitals with it. No real reason or ulterior motive, I'm just curious whether people are spending longer in hospital with it now than they were or whether more or less are catching it in hospital than they were.
Sadly, the quality of information isn't particularly great (though I don't scour for it, so it may exist somewhere), all I've seen are numbers in hospital, not new admissions compared to those leaving through fatality or through discharge in comparison to peak 1. The government doesn't seem to like releasing accurate information for people to assess and give scrutiny to.
Also of 231 England hospital deaths announced today they go back as far as Christmas Eve and cover 22 different days.
The mortality period goes back to march. They are still reporting "deaths within 28 days" cases from the start of December. As for hospitals being so full.. well given that (NHS region dependant) you are looking at c20% of cases being people in hospital for other ailments and ending up testing positive.
The figures look very positive and with the vaccine there’s every possibility we’ll be out of lockdown quicker then last year, was it July before bars and restaurants opened??? However I’m afraid this South African strain looks a real problem and could have us back in lockdown in the autumn waiting for a new vaccine to combat it.
No idea, wouldn’t you be better off asking them what their motivations are? I honestly don’t have a clue, that’s why I mentioned that I think it’s odd.
Yes it looks like it’s caused a massive issue in South Africa, where they don’t have vaccines - oh hold on, no it hasnt, it’s followed the same seasonal decline as every other country
I think that there's hardly anyone in the country who wants more to die. I won't say there's nobody because there's always a few sickos. But I reckon there's quite a few who don't actually want any good news spreading because they want people to stay scared (for various reasons) so they're happy that deaths are reducing but don't want people to know that it's happening
To break the summer/winter lockdown cycle we need herd immunity, the vaccine doesn’t work very well against the South African strain apparently, that’s my point.
I’m a ‘lockdown enthusiast’ as you put it and I’m delighted to see the deaths and infections dropping. It’s great to see that the lockdown is working.
Haha, there’s been exactly the same pattern in every country, regardless of the extent of the lockdown as you well know. Well, actually that’s not true - the countries with the most rigid lockdowns have generally had the most deaths, but the general pattern is the same. I’m pleased you’re pleased though and presumably you agree that it’s time to quickly release measures.
Is there a statistic out there. That gives the average age of deaths. And % in age groups. Especially b4 and after Xmas. The 2 I personally know of since Xmas were 55 and 60. ?
Its 82.4 for COVID deaths the last time I saw it, which is slightly higher than the overall average age of death from all causes in the U.K. which I think is 81.
Because the elderly in care homes were the most at risk during the initial stages and received very little protection. I just wondered whether the average age had come down due to more protection and self vigilance.? In % terms that is.
When you say before and after Christmas do you mean literally just before Christmas day compare to now?
Care homes covered between 30 and 40% of January deaths. Which when you look at how small a percentage of population they encompass... The initial stages... well that could be interesting.
That’s when cases are supposed to have risen dramatically after freedom of movement the week afore Xmas Was given then taken away so to speak. So I guess the run up to Xmas. Although cases weren’t as high at the time. The after effects/numbers later were devastating.