I suppose is opinion of glorifying a terrorist organisation is in itself could be classed as abuse to the families of people who were murdered at the hands of the IRA, To put something like that on Instagram was selfish / retarded and a stupid act when he would have known the anger/ repercussions of his actions, I have zero sympathy for him ( in relation to this) but is family to be abused is 100% bang out of order
There are two high profile footballers that do not wear a poppy. James McClean and Matic One stated their reasons and has remained respectful and dignified through out the time around remembrance. Even when he got some **** after the game on social media not once has he attempted to enflame the situation or goad crowds or revelled in the notoriety. The other is James McClean.
The same way some people might see wearing a poppy as offensive to families of murdered civilians in Ireland? And just to be clear, you think he's fair game for death threats and it's just his family where you draw the line?
Because while it is true he should be allowed to voice his opinions without getting death threats and it is disgusting that his children received abuse. It is also fair in my opinion to point out the fact that he hardly helped his and his children's situation by seeking to glorify people who murder children without a care and to use his children to assist with the glorification. Like I said not wearing a poppy is one thing wearing an IRA style hood while supposedly home schooling your kids is something entirely different. It was irresponsible provocation on his part and to involve his children was just completely idiotic. JUST MY OPINION AND LIKE MR MCCLEAN I'M ALLOWED TO HAVE AND VOICE IT.
You are clearly justifying it. It wouldn’t be right for anyone to abuse soldiers for the events of Bloody Sunday would it? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloody_Sunday_(1972)
no there were both questions and whataboutery in your response. Unequivocal is to say he is completely ok to put forward his opinions or indeed wear what he wants and this should be et under any circumstance justify abuse towards him or his kids.
No there was no questions or whataboutery at all related to ANY threats of violence towards him. If you believe there was please provide the quote where I said anything of the sort
He was glorifying the IRA, a terrorist organisation who glorified death, who caused death, as much as I wouldn't send him death threats I totally get why people would. More so by people who have experienced what they were capable of doing and what they did, ( i have) In relation to the Poppy absolutely,
what are your views on the ANC. Was Mendela who formed the armed wing of it a terrorist? Would he deserve death threats? or the soldiers that were involved in Bloody Sunday? If you were a Catholic growing up with that as a background what do you think o your views might be? Personally I don’t agree with him but certainly understand the background to how he got there.
It's nothing of the sort. You said nothing justified violence. Could you please quote the sentence in which I mentioned violence please instead of always deliberately taking things out of context?
Whataboutery - his words ‘deserve’ abuse Qualification- the level of abuse deserves I understand that this might be unconscious but is literally how you started your message.
McClean purposely stands away from his team mates and turns his back on the bugler playing the last post. He purposely brings attention to himself.Matic just doesn't wear a shirt with a poppy on it.
If I was a staunch Catholic ( not all catholics were anti British btw) growing up on a republican estate then of course i would have been brought up to detest/ hate the Army absolutely, 100% pure hatred, thats how it was and still is. Tbh I am not privvie with South African politics or the history of it, well not 100% anyway. Just to be clear I wouldn't send ANYBODY death threats ( providing they haven't abused or killed my famiy) regardless of my hatred of them, but I understand why some would in relation to McLean , just as I get why some would send death threats to that Begwen ( incorrect spelling) who went to fight for ISIS
As I was talking about two different things and addressing the original post which mentioned both abuse and threats and also mentioned the op's opinion as to why he gets them. I like chicken nuggets but I really dislike McDonald's Oh look whataboutery, you obviously unconsciously like McDonald's because they sell chicken nuggets and despite you saying clearly that you don't like it you obviously do you whataboutery bastar.d.
Mandela was a founder of the Spear of Nation, a paramilitary wing of the ANC. They were responsible for around a 100 civilian deaths, both black and white as well as routine torture and execution without due process.
Thanks DEETEE, We have a few South African lads in the army and they detested him, they said he was a terrorist, like I say i need to use Google and have a look
MK - the shortened version of the groups African title - I am not even going to try and spell it were also responsible for insurgency in both Angola and Zimbabwe. They fought several battles with Angolan troops. Winne Mandela is fond of a necklace. . .