Zero covid isn't possible as New Zealand go back to lockdown over three cases.
And then a week later they will likely go back to near normal. They don't have many to vaccinate either. I'd say they'll be just fine.
The figures I've seen (not full year or officially published yet and won't be for a few months) suggest that hospital admissions due to self-harm and suicide attempts fell during the lockdowns last year and overall were lower than previous years - bucking the trend for year-on-year increases. This follows previous reports from other countries (New England, Peru? iirc) that show similar trends. I'm not going to suggest that there aren't mental health issues to be resolved, but they are more likely to be social/anxiety-based (OCD, germaphobia, agoraphobia, etc), rather than depression/suicidal.
^^^^This^^^^ Its ok saying "Look at New Zealand", but whats the plan? whats the exit strategy? Turn into North Korea? It is estimated that even with everything going well its going to take until 2023 to get a vaccine to everyone who wants one, 2 more years of no international travel, and even then - with new variants and the need for booster jabs, you are never going to be able to get to zero COVID without sealing yourself off forever. Its just unrealistic. Lets all move to North Sentinel.,.....??
For "privacy" not PPE....... Whatever the reason it looks really bad and shouldn't be happening. If you want to keep the positive cases private give them something better to hide their face with.
I didn't realise that anyone coming in from a naughty country can only use 5 airports, with only Birmingham north of London. As we all know that rent etc is much higher in the south wouldn't it be an exceptionally cheaper to manage exercise if they were to use any of the airport's in cheaper and less population dense areas instead of choosing the ones who pay most business rates to our corrupt government
Theres only manchester in the north of England capable of handling larger aircraft from long haul flights.
That’s not strictly true. Birmingham, East Midlands, Donny all have long haul flights. Donny can take the largest planes currently flying and I’d guess it’s not the only one.
Liverpool and Leeds only fly to the Med and mainland Europe. You can land anything you want at RAF Finningley. Where the infrastructure remains to handle them...
Unfortunately the long haul options from the UKs friendliest airport aren’t that great (yet) I think they do Cancun and Florida sometimes. but obviously freight from all over the world.
A team has landed at Birmingham this afternoon and lied that they haven’t been to a red country. Ten years in prison I hear you ask?? No, they got fined.