You need to add the fact that the media portray Matic in a decent light whereas McLean gets media with negativity. Did Matic playing for a popular club influence this?
If you act in a dignified manner then the press will show you in a decent light. Act like a spoilt brat and you will get vilified accordingly. I doubt the club you play for other than exposure has any influence.
To be honest I've not read most of this post, just the first few replies so apologies. My take on this is this. If the bloke is a twa.t or if he's not a twa.t he should not be subject to death threats. Period. People who post stuff like that are just as moronic and nasty as the person they have a grudge against (if indeed he is nasty in the first place). Sadly it's far too easy for people to get away with crap on the internet though (look at the rubbish I write on here)
McClean not wearing a poppy is maybe forgivable- the post on Instagram wasn't in my view. As a person of Irish Catholic descent there are two sides to this story in Ireland and there were atrocities on both sides. I had family that fought against British army in the 1920's. However, IRA over stepped the mark with the attacks from the 70's onwards - targeted innocent people. Whatever your views though there is no reason to target his wife and family - or him to be fair with death threats and threats of abuse online.
McClean not wearing a poppy is maybe forgivable Surely there is nothing to forgive when it comes to deciding not to wear a poppy?
Of course I would, its happened dozens of times ( and thats only the ones I know) I don't live in a perfect utopia RH, if I was to say all the Army/ Navy/ RAF were holier than holy then I would be a liar, my mother ALWAYS said to me " you have to see bad in yourself before you see bad in others" I have taken that on my ( up to now) 52 year journey
Sorry badly worded - not in the eyes of many fans though. I totally understand his point of view- many others don't
As is often the case on this board, we graze across a number of subjects - some related to the OP, others not. I don't mind a discussion about them but should probably be on a different thread. Getting back to the OP. Those who have targeted McClean's Wife and Children are cowardly scumbags. In a proper world they wouldn't be allowed to get away with that cowardice but we're not quite there yet.
So how do you explain when all this happened at first and both have their individual examples, the following year the press never mentioned Matic but vilified McLean? Bearing in mind this was years ago before his ill thought out tweet with a balaclava.
When did not wearing a poppy become such a "thought crime" in the UK ? When I was there you never had to be seen to wear one in public life as much as it is now. Just another example of the Little Englander mentailty that seems to have become so prevalent. You really have to see the UK from outside to see where the country appears to be going. As for McClean, if I had grown up in Derry at the time he did my views would probably be the same. The nearest comparison for us, and it still doesn't really compare, would be those of us growing up in South Yorks at the time of the Miners Strike. As for targeting his wife and kids, the scum should be found and dealt with - its just wrong whatever their pitiful justification.
The IRA didn't stop at just sending threats unfortunately and they didn't just kill soldiers yet McClean glorifies them.
I know that. But looking at Irish history from either side of the fence gives you a very different perspective.
Mate. I've two Brothers who both served in Operation Banner: Both invalided out of the army. I might suggest it's not a wise move to take the moral high ground on that particular war theatre - no matter where you are born. Let's just thank God things are better these days and no one is being sent over there to face a needless death and in the face of massive public apathy.
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't he do the whole IRA joke post because he was getting abuse and it was a big middle finger to those abusing him? I may have remembered it wrong but doing what he did doesn't glorify or support terrorism, it is just a poorly thought out joke. A bit like a muslim getting abuse for being a terrorist, having enough of it so dressing up as one to take the piss out of the absurdity of it. That was my take on it from memory.