His daughter was on TV and amongst other things talked about the abuse they had got for taking him on holiday in December. What does this quote mean? Does it mean that he got ill because of his holiday or am I reading it wrong? "It [the abuse about his holiday] came in its thickest and fastest when we were already realising he was not very well and that's what triggered it"
Think he caught pneumonia after he got back and Covid a few weeks later. Quite possible the pneumonia would have killed him anyway but being weakened by it certainly didn't help when he caught Covid
I didnt mention covid. I said if i got to 100. Also i dont believe Sir Tom or his family broke any covid travel rules.at the time of their trip.
I don't think it was abuse. I think people were mystified he actually contracted it given what his fundraising was all about. I wouldn't begrudge anyone a holiday but it seemed irresponsible. That said at that age it might have been his last Christmas anyway. As it turns out it was. R.I.P
They didn't In December we had the tier system and he was in one of the lowest tiers anyway but yes travel was allowed and Barbados was on the travel corridor list
He's a total toss pot. How he gets away with getting people on his programme and borderline insulting and character assassinating them is beyond me.
Wasn't the holiday funded by British Airways or something as a thank you? Definitely deserved, completely within the rules, and any abuse unwarranted in my opinion. And didn't he catch Covid once in the hospital for something else, like a high percentage of people who have had Covid?
Yes it was funded by British airways as a thankyou or the flight part was anyway. Not sure if he was admitted to hospital with pneumonia and then caught covid or if he had pneumonia, then caught covid and was admitted to be honest. I wasn't criticising him or anything I was just trying to work out what the 'thats what triggered it' thing was referring to
Yeah people say "they went gently in their sleep". That said there comes a point even though asleep you actually realise you're dying. I'm sure that moment is horrible for whoever is concerned. We'll never know.
My grandad died peacefully in his sleep which was great for him sadly not so good for the 50 people on his coach he was driving.