Good advice and if you have a multimeter you can do all that and check the thermostat and element with it before dropping money on any new parts. How much will it cost to get a woman in?
Well, continuity is only a resistance measurement compared against a threshold to give a yes/no result. The resistance threshold is usually about 25 ohms, but it varies from one multimeter to another. So if you measure the resistance of a circuit and it is 50 ohms there's no continuity, but if it's 20 ohms the multimeter will bleep indicating continuity. For a heating element, it's better to measure the resistance. For example, for most elements you would expect a resistance between 20 and 120 ohms. If, on your particular oven, the element should be 30 ohms, but was actually 100 because of a fault, you'd never know if you just measured continuity. You can get the correct resistance by measuring a known good element, if available, or online. Just switch to the Ohms range and away you go.