Nosocomial, great word, you’ve educated me today! I agree it’s alarming but to some degree, maybe inevitable? People with weakened immune systems in enclosed spaces, not sure what the answer / solution can be. I dunno, maybe I’m being defeatist.
I don't usually get involved in these threads as it's often like knocking a nail into a knot, but I have to say that every single word you wrote is either wrong or an ill thought out insult. As I appear to have read this at a later point in the conversation TM, please let me know who is being forced into a treatment they don't want? (surely illegal?) Also who is being forced into a treatment they don't need? Who has decided they don't need it? (these people being forced, that is) Why in your opinion have the NHS got an appalling record on nosocomial infection? Enjoy your NHS provided vaccination by the way, not everyone is perfect, and neither is any massively underfunded organisation like the NHS. They do their level best and put their lives literally on the line. Even for you. It doesn't hurt to remember that.
I’ll tell you what - why don’t you read the thread and have another go. By the way, your reactionary anger at my post daring to be critical of the NHS is exactly why it will never improve. For some reason it’s heresy to criticise any aspect of the service it provides, and instead the hard of thinking instead resort to taking criticism of the processes as somehow an insult against the individuals working hard in that flawed system. It’s like someone criticising the board at Oakwell and you saying ‘yes but Alex Mowatt ran his blood to water this week’. Entirely irrelevant to the point being discussed.
No it wouldnt. Not unless the government 1- Change the law. 2- The GMC change their policies on Good Medical Practice, Ethnics and Behaviours that those in the medical profession have to adhere in order to work in the profession. you know the replacement of the Hippocratic Oath - 3- Allow people to opt out of funding the NHS and use the same money to purchase private insurance. 4- I could refuse every vaccine ever and ill still be in better shape than a good 70-80% of people who end up in hospital. Are you suggesting seriously that a physically fit bloke in his late 30s is a greater risk during surgery or a greater chance of a negative patient outcome than one of the many morbidly obese land whales that are often chain smoking as I pass BGDH.
The good news is that when your idea is put in place we will save an absolute fortune on not treating the 500,000 hospital admissions per year for conditions caused by smoking
I haven't got any reactionary own that domain I'm not hard of thinking... (thanks for your summary of people who might have a different view to you) neither are the vast majority of people you criticise I truly believe you are a bit askew in your thinking Like all the parrots who repeat criticism, you have no solutions Anyroad...great result tonight...Morries and Deke, great combination
I will take the vaccine but don't care if others do. I would happily be the only vaccinated person in a venue of hundreds or thousands and not mind.
Attempting to leave the country now punishable by a £5k fine, social care staff to be compelled by law to have a vaccine in contravention of the Nuremberg code, secondary school kids in masks for 6 hours a day, still illegal to have a friend in your house, NHS waiting lists at horrendous levels never before known, the right to peaceful protest made illegal, people prevented from seeing their dying family, businesses collapsing. 130,000 died of Coronavirus anyway. Congratulations to everyone who supported these lockdowns. You stood on your doorsteps and applauded in totalitarianism the likes of which this country has never before seen.
Sad thing is the government have changed the mindset of millions and now i genuinely believe millions don't want old life to ever return. The government already has tens of thousands of care jobs not filled and now they will have many more from the mass exodus this decision will bring.
You really boil my piss TM. Everyone who has shown any level of support to lockdowns has willingly allowed and backed this tyrannical government to do everything else you mention? Do me a favour. The first lockdown was done too weakly and two weeks too late. That is the issue. Everything since had been a result of that - and piss poor decision making by a not fit for purpose government. Just because you never agreed with any lockdown, don’t side everyone that even moderately disagreed with you with everything this callous mob rolls out.
This statement is utter, utter rubbish. It’s unproven, unscientific garbage churned out by the likes of Ferguson as an excuse for why when Government adopted their policies they were utterly ineffective. It’s unfair of me, you’re right, to blame folk who supported lockdown initially for all this but anyone with an iota of forward thinking and common sense could see that this shitshow would be the logical consequence. That’s why some of us were so opposed to it, not because we’d happily see Granny dead so we could go and have a pint. And I’ll tell you something else - they’re not done yet.
I've said it a million times. We had zero covid in January, by march hospitals were turning away cancer patients and we were building temporary morgues. What makes anyone think that a lockdown at the beginning of march would have got rid of it again and stopped it coming back?
And yet the press are all up in arms about us not showing enough respect to flags and statues its like we have been dropped into a dystopian novel but unfortunately its not fiction I was prepared to support the first lockdown - it should have bought us time to put a working test and trace in place but was concerned that the government would use it as a power grab. I saw some government health expert a couple of days ago saying masks, some form of social distancing and lockdonws will be needed for several years. Moving to North Korea isnt going to be much of a loss of freedom if we carry on at this rate and still there is only a limited outcry I have to stop thinking about it as I get too angry and depressed
The reason for that is that the scaremongering they've done for 12 months has completely brainwashed so many people to the point they are shutting themselves at the thought of being within 12 square miles of another human being and will support ANY restrictions if it keeps them safe from the virus that can be caught from looking at someone with a telescope and kills 24000 people for every one it infects.
Too right. I support house arrest because I would feel guilty if I caught a natural virus and passed it onto someone else who passed it onto someone else who past it onto someone else who died. It's why I haven't left my home since 1993 in case I did the same with all the other transmittable diseases and viruses. Erm I mean it's why I ignored them but do it just for this one
"He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother."