I had no idea it was so high around here, admittedly through my own ignorance. Someone at work is looking and the sums were staggering to me. £500 plus for terrace houses and over £600 for semi detached. Do we have many renters on here? I really don't know how people manage it.
In Leeds it’s 600 for a one bed flat. We’ve managed to get a two bed place in Headingley for 600 luckily.
4 miles outside of Birmingham, in a not particularly nice area, it was £575 a month for my one bed flat. That was 4 years ago. In Leicester the going rate for a two bed flat on the fringes of the city centre is £650. It's cheap as chips in Barnsley.
I'm sure Barnsley is a lot cheaper than other areas I was just staggered how much is here too. Admittedly I haven't rented in a long time, even more so with the prices elsewhere I just don't get how people afford it.
A grand a month will get you a 2 bed flat in York. We have a low wage economy too as so many jobs are in the tourism sector.
Love York and during one visit I had a look at the house prices. That pipe dream ended before it began.
Get that, the person I was talking to will not be on a lot over minimum wage, I believe that level draw about £1350 a month if they only pay tax and national insurance. Really opended my eyes, just something I haven't really thought about.
Haha its an amazing place mate but yeah, not cheap. Bought a 2 up 2 down in 2006 for £135k. Moved to a 3 bed semi in 2014 for £215k. Same house type across the road in poorer state on at £330k now. Love it though. 10 minute walk from the Minster.
best not thinking about it too much, lad I know pays 350 a month for a room and people pinch his stuff out of communal fridge
Its not just the rent though is it by time you've sorted utilities and council tax your pushing a grand...
What kind of property are they after. I may know of a 2 bed flat in a good area 550 all in. Dodgy neighbours though...
Rent bills and council tax for a 3 bed semi in Bradford costs us £1400. Granted we could live somewhere shitter for cheaper but as a mortgage is sadly still a pipe dream, why should we?
Polish groundworker that I work with is in the same position, he struggles to get in the kitchen at tea time and the bathroom in a morning, basic things that you take for granted. I tried showing him studios or 1 bed apartments that he could rent for not much more than he was paying for a single room but he seemed to have a strange loyalty to his landlord.
Record high house prices = record high rent prices. It's hard to see anything other than a correction in prices around the corner.
750 per month for one bed flat in Bristol. It's a nice flat but very small. Then add on council tax, bills etc.
Thanks I'd have to ask. Imagine he will be after some sort if garden as the reason being he has split with girlfriend but has 2 kids. So that to pay on top,
About £1200 a month down here in Pompey for a 3 bedroom semi, and about £800/ £900 for a 2 bed flat, my mother in law always asks why us it so cheap up north, I then ask but why us it so dear down here. The pay is no different down here, plus the min wage is the same no matter where you live, she then mentions thats its warmer down here, a average 5 degree shift in temperature would not be the deal breaker to buy a 1940s terraced house for 250 k thanks, I'd just put a coat on. You couldn't buy a 3 bed house down here for less than about 170k. My first house in Upton cost 27k in 1998, I look back now and wish I'd bought 5, hindsight I suppose.
My son & his wife rent a one bedroom flat in London at well over £1000 per month, unbelievable Geoff !