I think the roll out of the vaccine so far has been magnificent & great effort from everyone involved .
Extremely misleading. This is of course just the first jab. Doesn’t mean everyone will be vaccinated by March. Given how the government are doing it, that means 12 weeks after that date.
Quite right. Somehow they've managed to con everyone into forgetting the 2nd dose. The total of people actually vaccinated is only just over half a million.
I thought the least believable thing about that front page was the price. Then I saw next to it the claim “newspaper of the year.”
Would it be better to have a lower number of people with two jabs than twice as many with one? Pretty sure if you can answer that with any statistical/medical facts that, without purely being conjecture, a role within one of the large pharmaceutical businesses awaits. Maybe even a specialist role as a government adviser.
Absolutely no idea mate but the manufacturers specify 2 doses 3 weeks apart as being vaccinated. Nobody should forget that and nobody should be counted as vaccinated until they've had the 2nd dose.
We had one who thought an eye-test was a 30-mile drive with his wife in County Durham with his child strapped in the back of the car in the middle of a lockdown.
It doesn't even mean its that good, we've took 3 month to vaccinate 18 million people, unless the capacity significantly increases its going to take another 3 months to fully vaccinate as those 18 million people now as they all need the second dose. and then we can get onto the rest of the population
I remember media outlets, such as the Mail, saying to not be tentative when coming out of lockdowns 1&2...
The whole issue here is keeping pressure off the nhs. If all over 40s have had at least their first jab by Easter just who is going to be ill enough with Covid to be hospitalised? At that point we surely have to get the economy moving and let hospitality re-open, all be it with social distancing measures still in place for a time. We can’t keep locked down for ever. Zero Covid will never happen....
We can't keep lockdown forever, and zero covid will never happen. But what would be worse for hospitality, waiting a few extra weeks, or opening up only to be told to close again later? A bit of caution (not too much obviously) might prove better in the long run.
Yes, let's get it right this time. If it takes a few more weeks to get everyone their second jabs, I'd rather wait and never have to go through a lockdown ever again!
Newzealand did quite well with it, their economy has suffered far less than ours and had very few deaths.