I don’t have one, let’s hope it is effective. I’m just saying that if it’s not clearly it’s not safe to open up fully based on vaccine numbers. The NHS will not be able to cope. It already can’t.
Permanent lockdown then. That really is what is being suggested here. If the vaccine doesn't work you are saying we cannot allow lockdown to end.
All signs are pointing to the vaccine working so it shouldn’t be a problem anyway. All I’m saying is that if the vaccine doesn’t lead to a drop in the numbers clearly something else needs to be done and we can’t just go back to normal.
There really is nothing else to be done though if it doesn't work it really is as simple as that. Shouldn't we actually have tens of thousands extra ventilators now anyway by now? I'm sure I read that we had ordered them a year ago. They seem t have just disappeared and been fired along with the nightingale hospitals
I would say so. We have millions of Moderna arriving in time for Spring. The Johnson and Johnson one should be approved anytime. Valneva is another with tens of millions of orders when that gets approved. It's not far fetched to think the entire adult population could have had two jabs by August/September.
The average of death from Covid is 82 years old. The average age of a hospitalisation fluctuates around the 60 year old mark. Care homes from a population of c500k contributed week end 12/2 over 30% of the deaths All the above have been offered the vaccination. Deaths in the age group 80 plus have fallen rapidly and are now less than 50% of the mortality rates. We were testing in the onset of summer the 1st week of May just under 70,000 people a day with a seven day average positive result in the region of 3.8K. About a 5% positive rate. We are currently testing 588,000 a day on average. Seven day average is about 12000. Which is a c2% positivity rate. In February. At the back end of the period when respiratory infections peak. How long would you like everything to be closed for? May? June? July? Zero Covid? You have everything more of less back to normal by May ride the few hiccups out and come June/July we can having a ******* massive piss up.
A mate of mine has just received his first jab - he’s based in Sheff - 39 - they just told him they’ve got through all the others on the list. Guess he must live in an area with low average age
You are comparing it to a month when the government were ignoring 'the science' and doing more than we were being advised to.
They've generally ignored "The Science" until it suits their agenda. The headline from the wonderful publication shared by the OP in the middle of December was "BORIS BATTLES SCIENTISTS TO SAVE CHRISTMAS" - which obviously went well.
Eat Out to Help Out was also August - when cases increased from ~540/day on August 1st to ~2200/day on September 1st. An increase of 400% during that period. Current cases (latest full date 11/2) was ~12200. Almost as many cases on one day as in one *week* last September - and nearly as much as one *month* at the start of August.
New ploy and/or desperate attempt as few will follow the clickbait links previously posted,so now posts direct access to Tory gutter press
They were encouraged to extend the offer themselves in September which is exactly what I said And 29/9/20 was 10239 was it not? Again just like I said.
I was thinking specifically of the government ignoring the circuit breaker advice in September, which resulted in entering winter with higher COVID levels than necessary.
I still find it absolutely bonkers that the strategy was (and it was supported by the masses) to kick the covid can down the road giving it a big boot from outside number 12 Spring Street all the way to the edge of winter avenue. It was a madness policy that ensured an overwhelmed NHS was guaranteed by pushing all the infections into its busiest period.
It was also September that SAGE recommended a so called "circuit breaker" and numbers in hospitals were a lot lower than they are currently. Infection rates are falling a lot more gradually in the north than the south at the moment, if the Government move out of this lockdown in the same way as it did the first one, the long term effects on jobs in poorer areas could be another disaster, worse than the consequences of waiting an extra few weeks to reopen.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9277839/Tony-Blair-sets-lockdown-exit-strategy.html Blair wants zero covid before we get rid of all restrictions with his stupid map idea.