I checked R rates yesterday for my London Borough and Barnsley. After Christmas the R rate here was around 3.9. It's currently 0.3. I think Barnsley was around 1.6 or so, it's now 0.8.
Reading this thread I'm reminded of the quote "If your torture the data long enough, it will confess to anything”.
The people who disparage 'kicking the can down the road', ignore that in doing so, you not only delay death, but actually save lives due to improved intervention learned in the meantime. That's not to be sniffed at.
No I don't but short term, while vaccines were developed, it was surely the right policy. If dithering Doris had closed the borders in February last year we might be in a far better position now.
But you didn't get your facts straight. For a start claiming 16 million is not good. Compared to what? I provided you with an example. Note that I did not pull you up on spelling and punctuation. As regards insults.. I refer you to a recent post you made...(glass houses and all that).. "It's all virtual signaling. Nothing is getting done! what are you doing? What are you doing to affect change? what are you doing instead of being a simple pillock and trotting our cliches you’ve heard other racists say? If you turned your back you might as well walk out and don’t come back. had enough of this now. you complain nothing gets done it because of exactly like people like you that we still have to talk about this."
Wow. A stalker, not bad to consider You’ve told me I’m on ignore at least 10 times I guess I should be proud. And you know what I stand by every word I wrote. Every word. And in the same instance I’d say it again. Context. Sadly lacking when you are trying to score a pathetic point. Who claimed 16 million wasn’t good? You read my post half a dozen later... I know you did, the one where I stated the vaccine roll out was brilliant.... but you conveniently failed to quote that. There needed no comparison, there needed no occasion to have a pop because it’s good. But then you couldn’t help yourself..... oh and your spelling and punctuation jibe can go f**k itself too.