We are in the post truth age now No one is held to account, telling lies and falsehoods doesn’t seem to matter anymore, it genuinely doesn’t so no, he will stay in his job. see Dominic Cummings for a precedent
The Tories’ lead over Starmer’s New New Labour increased recently didn’t it? Folk don’t care anymore.
The book should stop at the top with the Prime Minister he allows all these deceitful goings-on in every part of this outrageous government just to keep his job and he's actually loved for it by the public at large I would say anyone who voted for this government wants to have a long hard look at them selfs and realise they have been p1llocked to some tune.
Bentner a banana Republic. Problem is, since the Cummings incident, they know they can get away with anything
Labour aren’t in power. As we speak. Do you think Corbyn would have allowed such shenanigans to happen. Cronyism etc. Asking you.? Should Hancock and his like. Go.? Or carry on taking the mick ?. Blair’s crimes or reputed crimes are out in the open. I believe he should have faced trial. The fact he hasn’t, is not down to the media.
BBC choosing to lead with literal old news that was announced and reported 12 months ago to push the Hancock ruling down. Pretty shamefully complicit in giving this Government carte blanche. No doubt they're being made to feel they must 'foster trust in the Government's response to covid for the public good' etc etc.
Yea. But they got brexit done. Literally callous corrupt bästards. They aren’t stupid, they do these thing deliberately.
He is also balls deep in the Covid voicing his opinion. Snide lovely person gets millions in funding from both the Gov and The Gates Foundation ...
Another 'got Brexit done' benefit I just learned of... buying things off eBay, even from sellers in the UK, means the purchaser paying £20 VAT on top of the price of the goods. Sunlit unicorns
The thing that really depresses me is a sizable proportion of the UK doesnt care anymore - there is no other way to explain how the tories are still doing so well in the opinion polls - the list of things wrong about them is so long everyone has given up - bit would still vote for them again - I genuinely dont get it At least 40 % of Britains voting public dont care that the govenment is makling them worse off, costing them jobs, killing tens of thousands by incompetent handing of covid, taking away their freedoms lining the pockets of their mates at our expense.... and they dont care - I just find that so depressing give it a month or so and this opening line sets the scene "It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen....." And to the OP - of course Hancock should be sacked but since he was only doing what his boss told him he isnt the only one but it wont happen