I can’t remember how long I was on hold, but I used the WeQ4U app which uses internet, to call an insurance company. At the end of the call, the app told me that the call, if dialled direct from my mobile would have cost £42.00. So I was on quite a while!
Speaking from experience. I did the same. After saying there’d been some suspect action on my pay pal account. Rang PayPal. Using google for the contact number. Summat felt wrong. So I hung up. Turns out the published phone number I used on google was a fraudulent one.
She once left me for just over a week. I nearly blew her up the week after. She didn’t leave me that long ever again.
Heard a new one yesterday, Bank owner A trades with Bank owner B for reasonable amounts resulting in large regular Bank transfers. B was hacked and they transferred in total just under £40k in multiple transactions to A. They then rang up A to say B had been hacked and could he transfer back to X account. He started to transfer the money back matching the original transactions with each one. A bank rang up due to strange transactions and end result was put account on stop until investigated. As it now stands Bank B is saying he has to pay full £40k back, Bank A is saying won’t let anything go until Fraud unit has investigated. A had transferred £22k to scammers before stopped, currently looking like he will have to stand the ‘missing’ £22k.
Probably the worst one I've had was with an HMRC issue, spent all day on the website trying to find the answer, the last advice was to ring the number to speak to someone if you couldn't find the solution on the website itself. I was on hold listening to Greensleeves for almost two and a half hours, when they picked up the only advice they could give was to look on the website. I found this blog shortly after....http://hmrcisshite.blogspot.com/
That's ridiculous. I hate it when you ho through all the press 1 if you want x press 2 if you want y stuff and then they cut you off!