Exactly yet the thread started with saying he did, others also claim it did Here’s an example of such Soooo.. Corbyn gave billions of pounds worth of public money to friends and donors in a manner ajudged to be illegal by an English court? I think we are in agreement now, I think we can also agree what has happened is wrong and as the head of that department he should take responsibility and leave his post.
2 things about this: I currently work for the govt though I am close to resigning on a matter of principle for different issues. As middle management, if i had done what Hancock did I would be in the dock (misconduct in public office) Second thing, no party political broadcast here. The archetypical bent politician was a labour one: Mandelson. Sacked three times for corruption and brought back. The sight of him on Oleg Darepaska's yacht on an holiday, then as EU trade commissioner signing off a sweetheart deal for his aluminium exports to the EU a few weeks later still makes my skin crawl. The other one is Lord Sainsbury (standard tory w@nker I hear you all cry... no labour peer) Appointed minister for oversight of GM foods by Blair's Govt. Had to withdraw from gov debates on it because of conflict of interest. Hang on then...why appoint him in first place and who represented public interest when he was out of the room. Simple answer ... nobody. In answer to all these questions, labour were every inch as corrupt as tories
Nobody is bothered anymore because the vaccine roll out is going well. So all the ********, mistakes, deceits and deaths caused by this shower of sugar are now not really worth bothering about by the great British public. If there were an election tomorrow these charlatans would get in easily again - got Brexit done and beat the virus. I despair.
The problem is with todays politics, media and its manipulation is more powerful than policies. Where it was idealist journalists fighting for 'truth' and to get stories up there, now its managed by hi tech professional agencies. The steering of votes, public opinion and ultimately country leadership is more than just party policy and personalities. If the truth was to prevail on this topic it would firstly need the press to start the pressure and pull public opinion in, unless they dont want to of course.
On reading it there is no change for UK businesses selling in the UK...if they fall below the turnover threshold for compulsory Vat, they just put 0% into the calculation box.
All this . Labour Mp’s did this and that. Wtf. We’re not daft. It’s abhorrent. BUT at this moment in time. These b’stds are in charge and have lined the pockets of family and friends. During the biggest economic crisis since ww2. Who will pick up the pieces.? Stop making excuses. End of.
Both parties are wick with thieving, self serving scumbags. They're followed by millions of blinded, partisan lemmings who for whatever reason seem to think not being as ***** as the opposition is good enough. It blows my tiny mind.
You're then faced with the dilemma of who to vote for. Let's not forget for the Liberals/Lib Dems covering up for Cyril Smith's misdemeanours. Maggie T knew of the allegations against Smith and still allowed his nomination for a knighthood to go through. Smith's predilections for young boys was well known and yet the powers that be turned a blind eye to them and threatened the police who were investigating his behaviour with charges under the Official Secrets Act. If you ever want to know who politicians serve then follow the money.
Here we go again, but Labour, change the fekin record for goodness sake. What the Tories have done and continue to do is on an unprecedented level, you can keep harping back to the watered- down Tory Blair, but no way was anything anywhere near the level as it is today. Every time I read what this corrupt, horrible and uncaring Party/ Govt have been doing, there is someone who writes something along the lines of ‘ all politicians are the same’
That’s how I read it too. And that EU are making similar changes in March. it read to me that it was more about making EBay responsible than Brexit.
Looks like he just can't stop himself https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/..._mEDabqVxHJv8Y1cnsHu9XmEJDmtKTj7-XeJEPZ3ZHn7Q
^^^^^^ THAT is bang on. When you have voted for a party that as made such a ball's up of everything they have done and are that bullheaded you just cannot come to terms with it then you just blame anyone else. The incompetent Handcock as blood on his hands along with that dum nut Johnson.
And here is Sir Kier saying he won't call for Hancock to resign. Its frightening but also sad how weak the labour party currently is...When will Starmer get his tongue out of Boris and Hancock's arseholes?! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-56145490
There’s talk of Starmer bringing Mandy back in some official capacity , and that’s probably why he isn’t being too hard on Handjob his performance particularly this week has been dreadful , it’s embarrassing
Hancock has actually grown a set. That's the toughest he's ever looked up against Piers, when he usually looks frightened.