From the Guardian "The government has said it hopes to vaccinate all adults over the age of 50 by 15 April." I'm 64, just had my first jab last week and my 2nd jab will be 5th May so I won't be vaccinated till mid/end of May. What this should say is:- "The government has said it hopes to give the first jab to all adults over the age of 50 by 15 April." More misinformation.
Not really. Been announced today that the pzier vaccine protects upto 85% after 4 weeks and the Oxford one 94% I can see before long that the 2nd dose won't be required
Precisely what the government want you to believe. Until the drug companies release results from properly conducted trials we should be giving 2 doses as per the original authorisation. Where did you the information you quote?
What did it actually say? Have they released results of new clinical trials? Edit. I've tried to find anything to support this and found this instead. Further edit. This is more supportive of the assertion but based on much smaller sample of health workers.
I was wondering if you can choose which one you have, or does the clinic/surgery only have one option? When I get back to the UK (make that IF I ever get back ) I would like to think that I would have both the choice of which vaccine and whether or not to have it at all. The Oxford one looks like the best bet but I wonder if you get the choice? Anyone know?
99% sure you roll up and get given what they have. Choice seems to be ‘do you want it or not?’. Or as Mike Harding might have said.. Ummers choice.
That's reduction of hospitalisation. Edited in: I understood 'full protection' stopped you getting ill. You can be quite ill and still not be hospitalised. But I'd add those figures are still good news.
Link from Guardian
No it is not misinformation , I have only had one jab but I clearly understand what this means , the second is a follow on which everyone knows about ,but hey lets find fault with everything even positive news , I think its a brilliant effort by all concerned .
Hold on a minute. The vaccines were clinically trialed and accepted by the UK regulatory authority on the basis of 2 doses 3 weeks apart. Until such time as new clinical trials based on a single dose are conducted, the results published and accepted by the authority, such use of the vaccines is not mandated. It's effectively giving the drugs companies carte-blanche to do whatever the hell they want. I intend no criticism of the researchers and drug companies here, what they have done in such a short time is truly miraculous, however, the regulations and regulatory authorities are there for a bloody good reason.
I’m seeing people everywhere repeating that the vulnerable are all vaccinated now. Absolute load of crap. After months of people basically discounting deaths of people with underlying conditions, people (not necessarily on here) are now saying that all masks and social distancing should stop immediately and everything should fully open, despite the fact that people with underlying conditions are in group 6 and only 1-4 have had their first injection. Groups 5 and 6 letters are just now being sent out so they have to be sent, received, booked in and had two weeks for it to take effect, never mind needing a second one too. The underlying condition was classed as serious enough in people’s minds for it to not matter that they are died but not enough for people to think they should get the vaccine before things open up. Unless the people posting everyone who needs it has now vaccinated have been misled.
The Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine is non profit making but in any case there is hardly a lack of demand World wide.
I think getting 1 jab does technically count as being vaccinated to be fair. But yeah here it doesn't mean they have the total protection