84 days until pubs and restaurants can really open. 84 days ago it was November. Not a whiff of a mention about how we're supporting those businesses that need to remain closed for another three months.
International travel allowed from 17th May... We have a holiday booked for 16th And for those thinking ‘why have you booked a holiday?’ It’s a re-book from May last year. And it now looks like it’ll be kicked into 2022
Technically and as much as it pains me to say it, its not 3 months without support. its 7 weeks. The current schemes expire the end of April.
Easy to say that when you're not the one with the keys to a business that is on the brink of ruin mate. The announcements need to go hand in hand, not a week apart. All it does is lead to unanswered questions for what happens beyond April at a time when people don't know if they'll even have a business to open. Don't forget these business owners have a team to communicate with who will have been watching on today trying to figure out if they'll have a job to return to.
I never said it was three months or seven weeks? There's more than just the furlough scheme that impacts on the businesses that are currently shut. That's just one element in the house of cards.
Weddings, the 95% of my business, (since all the nightclubs I used to supply DJs for are already out of business), are still not guaranteed on that date. That means about another £5k in refunded deposits potentially. **** the Tory ****. **** the Tories.
I feel like we need something like an 'endorse' button rather than a 'like' button. I'm not giving this a thumbs up and just showing my support. It's a complete shitshow, but if you can somehow make it to June you've go hope the backlog of weddings and events gives you the chance to have a really good 2-3 years? Nighclubs will be a thing of the past as we remember them that's for sure.
Sorry I didn"t realise the chancellor had spoken ,as he announces financial support but I admit I have not been listening
Looking forward to the first photos of Bournemouth beach from the self appointed COVID Starzi with cries of OUTRAGE!!!!