You think now Boris has laid this out and got everyones hopes up with people now planning stuff. IF the infection rate goes up he cant lockdown again? Am not sure how he could keep his job if so
No chance. Look at what his cabinet have been getting away with - hundreds of millions of pounds funneled straight to their mates. He was elected with a massive majority despite a history of lying about pretty much everything, and nobody seems particularly bothered that he's just carried on with it. The only way he'll lose his job is if the right wing of his own party kicks him out. But it's more likely that he'll just resign because the money's not good enough.
He has also said that the stages on the road map are conditional, based on data, and not the dates. So I wouldn't be rushing to buy gig tickets for May time just yet.
Said same to Laura. He hasn't given specific dates because he knows schools going back will cause another spike.
I think that's a fair assessment. Given that all goes well and Boris keeps the old jalopy on the cart track, what will be the criteria for ticket sales for the first "back to normal" game back at the Well? (Clearly won't be this season). As a long-time but irregular attender, I won't be buying a season ticket, so for matchday tickets, will it be first-come-first-served?
how come its his fault, if silly beggars do not keep apart or do not do as advised by medical experts
starmer wanted to stay with the eu for vaccinations, we would'nt have been going back to well for 5 years, if ever
Why is you default position to blame the public? What about; - Effective contact tracing - Financial support for people that need to isolate - Financial support for businesses to become covid safe
They are learning all the time, the virus is new, they are having to think and change as they go but a lot of idiots won't do as advised and a lot of this is because it's a Tory government, if labour had been in and told everyone the same solutions it would have been hunky dory. Get a life and all pull together and get rid of the virus not the people who are trying to help
Suppose all we can do is speculate at this point. If crowds of 10k are set to be allowed in May and all social distancing to be dropped from June then I would hope we won't have any restrictions on numbers by September.
it would if he could not get the vaccines like the eu can't or have you been asleep for 2 month. even now the germans and french will not use the oxford one
Think the schools returning is the key factor in how well this plan will stick to schedule. I think it would have been wise to ensure that teaching / support staff were offered the vaccine prior to return. I'm 100% sure that the source of covid infection for both myself and other half was through her school workplace as we followed the lockdown to the letter. So I don't buy into this thinking that schools are not one of major reasons the virus is able to spread quickly in our communities seemingly under the radar due to asymptomatic cases in children. So on that basis, I think it is too early for a full return for schools. Maybe they could have got the current year 11 back and give them the best possible finish, same for final primary year. If we see rates start to increase after 8th March, schools need to be pulled until further down the plan when more of the public have had the vaccine. It's harsh, I know but we can't afford for rates to surge yet again.
We approved the Pfizer vaccine whilst still in the EMA. We ordered 100s of millions of doses whilst still in the EMA. It’s the EMA that Starmer said we should stay in. And that was while May was PM