To confirm extensions of restrictions until May / June without announcing support packages at the same time is just callous. Also nothing seems to be being done about the fact that more deprived areas see higher rates. These areas will no doubt be locked down again locally and left to rot
Copy and paste from a previous post. The announcements need to go hand in hand, not a week apart. All it does is lead to unanswered questions for what happens beyond April at a time when people don't know if they'll even have a business to open. Don't forget these business owners have a team to communicate with who will have been watching on today trying to figure out if they'll have a job to return to. This isn't hospitality opening on 12th April regardless of the misleading headlines, it's 17th May. Some businesses don't have the money to last until 17th May.
The whole thing is the job of Government. Absolutely no justification for not announcing support at the same time as restrictions
I disagree it isn't the chancellor's job to do one thing, the health secretary's job to do another, education secretary to do another etc or you end up in the situation where the prime minister manages to shirk all responsibility. This is the government of the United Kingdom not some cheesy 1980's police show with a good cop bad cop routine. It's absolutely indefensible to g on TV and tell businesses they cannot trade without telling them how you are going to help them survive and to pass that responsibility on to someone else a week later is not only cowardly but also extremely dangerous and playing games with people's lives The government should be denying that as soon as possible. Hospitality will really struggle.