went online monday, did the questionaire, got my appt for today at 1100 in wakey ( just past the bus depot in belle isle ) got there at 10.40 apologised for being early, ushered straight through, done, and back home in monk bretton for 11.20. follow up date 1205 at 10.40 same place. i'm 64 with underlying health issues ( heart attack 6 years ago)
fine and dandy one day at a time balders my old fruity,cheers, daughter should have got married last friday but that got cancelled. sad to say i could get used to sitting in the warm with a nice glass of something watching the reds. hope you and yours are fairing well, wont be long afore the good ship 'lil can set sail for Chester #staysafe
I can't wait till we're sharing our profound footballing knowledge pre-match and listening to your utterly barmy jokes!
Brave boy. What happens if you don’t drive.? I’ll be buggered if I’m going to Wakey just to feel a little pr1ck..
no mate, i went on the nhs covid site and did the form ( you have to know your nhs number) and i got a list of the sites available ( all west yorks wakey, dews, bat, halifax) and got a list of times for the next day, clicked that, picked my appt time and then got a list of times for the follow up in 12 weeks
I had mine this morning at Sandal Rugby Club after getting a text from the GP on Thursday . I was told to go and **** in the car for 15 minutes after the jab ....... hearing test next Wednesday
Also a friend of mine, younger than me no heart attack or any other problems had his on Friday, I don't know why you had to ring up and book
Heard of a couple of people who phoned their surgery about getting the jab and they were told to come straight in for the jab - they had spare vaccinations. Another person contacted by the manager of the local Old People's Home told to come in for the jab as they too had some 'spares.'
My wife has been trying every day for a week or so to see if the site would let her book. The front page says 64 or health conditions, but yesterday, it let her through and she had the jab today at Sandal. She is 63. I am several years younger than her and not allowed through yet, but I'll keep trying until it let's me. It's a bit concerning that the daily jab numbers have dropped a lot (more than halved) in recent days. Are people in the next groups down not getting their bookings in? And does that mean capacity is going to waste? If so, they should open up the next few tiers down, rather than have a slow throughput. If you need your NHS number, there is a link on the website where you can fill in a few personal details and if your mobile is registered with your surgery so is on the database, you can get it sent to you by text.
Had mine today too. Got a phone call from the GP at 4pm asking if I could get there for a 5pm appointment, although they'd already given me an appointment earlier this week to have it done on Thursday, which they've now cancelled. They're trying to ensure they use up all the doses each day so they said I'd likely get a call at short notice for the follow up jab sometime within the next 3-12 weeks. I'd been expecting a pretty fixed wait time of 12 weeks, so this would be ahead of expectations if so.
I had mine on Sunday evening. Rough as a badger's arse all day yesterday. Got home from work and felt absolutely wiped out.