It should be down to individual businesses to decide if they require their customers to be vaccinated (or exempt). There are going to be a lot of people who are unable to have this vaccine, and the passport is about protecting those people and letting them live a normal life. If the One Stop requires everyone to have a vaccine so the pregnant woman or person with a chronic illness can shop there safe in the knowledge that the other customers are less likely to have and transmit the virus then so be it. Some businesses will insist, some won't. Either is fine, but they should have the choice.
And the business should then be made to live or die by the decision. Frankly anyone asking me for proof of the vaccine (and I've had it) can kiss my ass
I'm sure some people will take that view, personally I'd only go to a pub that insisted upon proof of vaccination.
Yeah I've got no issue with this. Can't see why anyone would be against it to be fair - suppose it's each to their own
Is that just pubs or would you apply that approach to all public venues? In fact do you currently avoid supermarkets for example?
Ok, I'll explain why because this is some kind of anonymous board. Only the odd few on here know me face to face so to speak. I suffer from an incredibly embarrassing disease. And the meds I have to control it, they give to patients who have had organ transplants. So, my immune system is basically compromised. So I had to sit, a young 42 year old, in a surgery where they were vaccinating the 80 and 90 years olds. People walking in on zimmers, wheel chairs and the like. Every single person, whether it be their carer, or the old and vulnerable themselves, focussed their eyes on me. From the moment I sat, to the moment I walked in for my jab. All quietly making comment. Ya knows because I dont "look ill' or "look old" it's the stigma I have. And to then start getting asked a question to show a vaccine passport on the same premise, when let's say a lot of adults wont have had them by the time it may be introduced, it can then start the whispers of why has he got a passport then... Fack that, my business.
Think needing a passport to buy basic food is totally inappropriate and just won't happen. Gigs etc- if it gets those industries moving in the short term then go for it. Short term only though. International travel- don't have a problem with it if I'm honest as it is no different to other requirements countries may stipulate as conditions of entry.
Most of the NHS will have been vaccinated by the time we're talking about passports if they do end up doing that. I doubt you will stand out at all so I wouldnt worry about that.
I think supermarkets would struggle to implement this, in fact I think smaller convenience stores like in my example would also struggle to simply because you'd need people on the door. I think it's a case of managing risk, supermarkets are relatively open, so I'd generally be happy to use them without restriction, though I'll probably still wear a mask depending upon the local R and case rate. But in terms of relatively confined spaces like the pub or cinema, I can't see myself using them much unless proof of vaccination is required.
Actually that's a fair point, one that I'd not thought about. So it may not be an issue for me anyway Appreciate pulling me back on that, it had been worrying me. Likely unduly as it happenss
I think for overseas travel it should be required if that's what a country wants to stipulate. It's up to them at the end of the day, we have no right to take an easily spreadable disease to another country's population.
There is no logical reason for it though. All the vulnerable groups will be vaccinated by then even those with the slightest vulnerability. Who are we protecting at that point?
Lol, yeah. You get what I mean. Not always been the best with my english. Although I've finally nailed the There and their issue I think
Just feel if things can get moving faster with passports for entertainment, so be it. Stressing that this is only temporary whilst herd immunity is reached. Appreciate your view and accept we won't agree on it.
I do understand what you're saying, in that if it helps get things going then yeah do it. What I'm saying isn't disagreeing with that as such, what I'm asking (and what nobody seems able to give an answer to) is why, after vaccinations for the vulnerable, is that needed. You are saying that if it's needed then do it short term. I totally get that but I don't get why it would be needed and that's something the government refuse to answer too
Are there 130 million doses ready for tomorrow? The BBC should report that instead of telling us how many asymptomatic people have tested positive
Hopefully by then it wont be needed. I'm just sick of it all now and want stuff to go back to normal asap. If that means short term vax passports while immunity is built up then ok... beyond mid summer then no i wouldnt agree with it as deaths should be very low.